Rotaru wants to sell Craiova for one euro and announces the BIG losses that Becali has on FCSB: “It is also on the website of the Ministry of Finance, he also said!”


Mihai Rotaru gives another 3 years to the plan he has in Craiova.

If he fails to get the club where he wants, Rotaru announces that he is retiring from the team leadership. Pass it for one euro! The CSU owner also spoke about the losses Gigi Becali has suffered since owning FCSB. Rotaru says that Gigi has € 15 million ‘damages’ and that it is impossible for the owners to make a profit from soccer in Romania.

“Craiova is not exchanged, it is transmitted. You do not beat football. You do not enter football to make a profit. Becali lost 50 million, and recovered it, now he has reached 15 defeats again. He is also listed in the Ministry of Finance. I’m a supporter of the University of Craiova, I’m from the area, so I think we have to give something back to the community. If in 2023 I don’t take Craiova where I want, I’ll spend it for one euro. Anything can happen in this world, Mititelu can also come, I know … ”, said Rotaru in Digisport.

Read here: What Rotaru said about becoming a Steaua owner
