Romprest announces that it will collect garbage from the public domain in Sector 1 / Clotilde Armand: It means that they have chosen to comply with the contractual obligations – Local Administration


Romprest announces that, starting Thursday afternoon, it is organizing an action to collect uncontrolled landfills in the public domain in Sector 1 of the Capital.

„We notify the Contracting Authority that, based on the Contract for the delegation of the public sanitation service in the territorial administrative area of ​​Sector 1 of Bucharest, currently in force, Romprest Service SA organizes an action to collect all the uncontrolled deposits currently existing in field. public, as of today (…) We do, once again, the test of good faith and the fact that we dedicate ourselves to the principles and do not leave as partisan interests, which at this time prevail over the public interest ”Romprest provides the notification to the local authority, the City Council and the Prefecture of Bucharest, which the company published on its website on Thursday, writes Agerpres.

According to the cited document, a partial payment of pending invoices was made on Thursday.

“Considering that on 12.17.2020 there was a partial payment for overdue invoices, which represent only 7% of the total overdue debit owed by the authority to the delegated operator, given the degradation of increased cleaning in Sector 1, caused by the accumulation of uncontrolled landfills, abusively deposited in the public domain, in this period before the winter holidays Romprest understands to put public health and the legitimate interest of citizens above this conflict in which we were involved without blame and against of our will ”, the notification also shows.

Romprest asks the Sector 1 Local Police to exercise and duly control all actions that violate the waste regime, in order to avoid “the repetition of such a situation” in the exercise of their contractual obligations.

Clotilde Armand: It means that they have chosen to fulfill their contractual obligations.

Sector 1 Mayor Clotilde Armand reacted to Romprest’s announcement in a Facebook post on Thursday night.

“We understood that the sanitation company that left our garbage uncollected in the streets of Sector 1 announced that it is starting to collect the garbage tonight. Very well. This means that they chose to respect contractual obligations to citizens, ”wrote Clotilde Armand.


We remind you that, since the end of November, the Romprest company no longer builds uncontrolled landfills in Sector 1, because the City Council has unpaid bills of 94 million lei. Clotilde Armand says the bills would inflate and that’s why she doesn’t pay them.

On November 27, Romprest announced that since July it has been providing “exclusively from its own or attracted sources, with the commitment of additional expenses”, the sanitation service for the benefit of Sector 1 citizens, and the company’s management has decided to limit the time and gradually their activities. Romprest stressed that this temporary limitation of activity will not affect the collection of household waste from the population and economic agents.

Last Thursday, Clotilde Armand asked Romprest to re-invoice the services recently provided by the company. Clotilde Armand points out that the request arises as a consequence of the irregularities found by the Local Police Sector 1.

„Taking into account the irregularities registered in the report note, Mayor Clotilde Armand asked the sanitation provider to rigorously verify the services billed based on the findings of the Local Police, to reverse bill no. 5-0002854 / 11.16.2020 and re-invoice the amounts according to the services provided ”, claims the Sector 1 City Council.

According to the mayor, citizens do not deserve to be the “victims” of a false war between the sanitation service provider “forcing the bill and changing the rates as desired” and the local authority.

“Citizens want street cleaning because they pay a lot for this service. Out of respect for the money of the local community, they cannot pay for services provided only on paper. Therefore, to legalize myself, I asked the provider to re-bill the services provided. As soon as we fix this situation, but only with strict compliance with the law, ”said Armand.

The Local Police of Sector 1 has recently begun extensive action to identify illegally deposited waste and inform citizens and economic agents who work in Sector 1 in order to remind them of their legal obligations.

The storage in the public domain (area of ​​the intersections, around the lighting poles, in green spaces, etc.) of the garbage bags for their collection by the sanitary operator is sanctioned with a fine of between 2,000 and 5,000 lei, and storage of any kind on vacant lot. , public or private property, constitutes an offense and is sanctioned with a fine of 1,500 to 2,500 lei.

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