Romanian thugs in Mexico led by the “Jaws” controlled politicians and policemen. They made $ 240 million a year


The Romanian gang in Cancun that stole tens of millions of dollars by cloning tourist cards financed a network of high-ranking authorities and politicians in Mexico.

The group led by Florian Tudor, called Jaws, thus ensured their peace to act without any hindrance. The mess came to light after a journalistic investigation according to which there are many politicians on the list of 79 people whose bank accounts were frozen last week. Due to this operation, more than 100 Romanian tourists were blocked for several days at the Cancun airport and were not allowed to enter Mexico, although they had paid vacations there.

According to the Mexican press, Florian Tudor, known as El Tiburon, began to build his illegal empire in Cancun as early as 2005, thanks to the support obtained by the then former governor of the region. Little by little, he would have bought the local law enforcement officers, who thus turned a blind eye to the illegalities committed by the Romanian gang. The next step was to buy high-level influence among politicians.

Jannet Lopez, journalist Mileno Noticias:
According to the report of the Intelligence Department of the Federal Security Cabinet, which collaborated with the FBI and the DEA (National Anti-Drug Administration), on how the center of operations of the Romanian mafia in Cancun came to be established, it was concluded that this was possible. for the support received from a whole network of politicians from the most important parties in Mexico but also from local figures such as former regional mayors, deputies, former governors but also leaders of various other movements. They all collaborated with this Romanian mafia to allow the group to develop freely and without hindrance in the area and thus establish, in recent years, a very strong base ”.

Dozens of local elected officials, officials and politicians at the central level now have their accounts frozen as a result of “Operation Caribe”, carried out last week by the Mexican Financial Authority. All are suspected of having supported the Florian Tudor criminal group and of illegally obtaining large sums of money. So far, the Mexican authorities have not established the total amount of money in the blocked accounts. But the researchers know how the network worked.

Jannet Lopez, journalist Mileno Noticias:
According to the investigation of the journalists of Milenio Noticias, the Florian Tudor network called Rechinul financed the electoral campaigns of 2014 and 2018. The group had become so strong that it operated in 14 of the 32 states of Mexico. From here, illegal operations to steal money from cloned cards have spread to 15 countries around the world. And so the bullies managed to earn more than $ 240 million a year.

However, Florian Tudor now claims to be a real estate investor and has always pleaded not guilty.
