Romania updated the list of states for which quarantine is established upon arrival in the country / DOCUMENT – News from sources


The National Committee for Emergency Situations adopted, on Sunday, DECISION no. 17 of 03/14/2021 on the approval of the list of countries / areas / territories of epidemiological risk for which the quarantine measure is instituted for people arriving in Romania from them, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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„Considering the proposals of the National Institute of Public Health on the countries / areas / territories of epidemiological risk for which the quarantine measure is established on people arriving in Romania from them, taking into account the persistence of a greater number of people infected in the national territory, as well as the daily appearance of new cases of infected people, both by the circulation of the virus in the national territory and by its importation with the return to the country of possibly infected people aspects that generate a constant pressure on the Capacity management of the administrative-territorial units and the health system, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 par. (1) on. c) and art. 81 of GEO no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, with subsequent modifications and completions, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 and art. 11 par. (1) of Law no. 136/2020 reissued, relating to the establishment of measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk, of art. 20 on. l) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, approved with modifications and terminations by Law n. 15/2005, with subsequent modifications and completions, and art. 2 and art. 4 of Government Decision No. 94/2014 on the organization, operation and composition of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations, the National Committee for Emergency Situations adopts this


Art.1 – The list of countries / areas / territories of high epidemiological risk for which the quarantine measure is established on the people who arrive in Romania from them, which is included in the annex to this decision, is approved.

Art.2 – Annex to Decision no. 9 of 02/11/2021 of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, modified by Decision No. 15 of 05.03.2021, it is amended and replaced by the list that appears in the annex to this decision.

Art.3 – This decision is communicated to all components of the National Emergency Management System, for its implementation by order and administrative acts of its leaders “

