Romania received the first tranche of quadrivalent influenza vaccine. How it can be obtained by the population


The most important supplier of influenza vaccine announced on Tuesday 15 September that last week it delivered the first batch of influenza vaccine for Romania.

Mylan Romania, the main supplier to the winner of this year’s national auction, announced that it has delivered 400,000 doses of influenza vaccine, which will be distributed this week to the country’s DSPs.

From the Public Health Directorates, Romanians can access the vaccine through family doctors.

“This season, flu vaccination is more important than ever; In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, high-risk categories are even more vulnerable: the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, employees of the medical system (…). “We will do our best to distribute the first batch of vaccines, especially to high-risk categories, before the start of the vaccination campaign. We will deliver the remaining doses in accordance with the agreement with our distribution partner and the Ministry of Health.” Adrian Grecu said. the managing director Mylan Romania and the director of Southeastern Europe

The World Health Organization recommends influenza vaccination as a priority in an effort to minimize the risk of excessive comorbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases.


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