Romania may be a leader in the field of climate change. People need to change their habits


Romania has the opportunity to access European funds to reduce pollution, which will also lead to a better quality of life, says President Klaus Iohannis. For this, however, it is necessary for Romanians to change their habits that produce higher amounts of waste and polluting emissions, he said.

“Romania is part of the European and international effort to combat climate change and we have the ability to increasingly influence European policies in this field. However, I believe that a strong commitment is needed and I, as the President of Romania, make this commitment for the next few years.

I will be directly involved in supporting public measures and policies that lead to a clean environment, and here I am referring in particular to reducing air, soil and water pollution in our country, as well as reducing climate change and protecting the biodiversity. All of this will have a beneficial effect on people’s quality of life, ”said Klaus Iohannis.

Romania takes on the European goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and supports an ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

“It is a gesture of responsibility that we are obliged to carry out for our health and that of future generations. The fight against climate change is carried out through concrete actions, in the medium and long term, actions with measurable and real impact. In that sense, together with the Government, we will develop public policies and create tools that will lead to their implementation, ”he said.

Iohannis pointed out that unrealistic strategies that “are in a drawer” should not be made.

“We need to focus on ambitious but realistic proposals and strategies that we can implement and that have the effect of improving people’s quality of life,” he said.

“Climate change contributes not only to a cleaner environment, that is clear. It contributes to our health, to the health of our families and is a great opportunity for economic growth. At the same time, we can develop new economic sectors: industrial , energy, agriculture, digital, and we can connect the national economy to the economy of sustainability, which is developing internationally, and from which we neither want nor are isolated, “said Iohannis.

“But to live in a clean and friendly environment, which we will leave to future generations, we all need authorities and citizens. Urbanization, the daily rhythm of our life, has led in recent years to the intensification of habits by which we have come to produce a large amount of waste and polluting emissions.

It is important to become aware of your negative impact on the environment and to slowly change these habits. Changing and adapting our behavior is essential to achieve the objectives of environmental protection and prevent climate change, ”he said.

“I will directly participate in the initiation and construction of structures to support Romania’s efforts in the field of climate change, and I am referring here also to structures that provide support to local authorities.” We know very well that decisions at the central level are not enough and are not effective without concrete actions at the local level, and if we want results, we must help the local authorities.

Together with the experts, with civil society and with all economic actors directly involved in the implementation of environmental and climate policies, I am convinced that we will succeed in making Romania a leader in the field of climate change at regional, European and even level. international, “said Iohannis.

He recalled that the EU provides funding through programs such as the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Modernization Fund, the Just Transition Fund.

“We must make the most of this opportunity by advancing suitable and mature projects, which will ensure the absorption of European funds and contribute to the sustainable development of Romania,” he said.

Editing: Monica Bonea
