Rizea’s confession continues in Realitatea PLUS: Incendiary Revelations from the MICROSOFT Archive. Coldea told Ghita, after the hearings, that it was JUDA


Anca: As we went back to talking about Florian Coldea and George Maior, the whole discussion revolves around these characters because they were the strongest in this story with the parallel state, there is a lot of evidence that they managed from the things of the that we are talking about now. . After a 7-hour hearing in the parliamentary committee, Mr. Coldea made a statement, speaking of Judas, from someone who would have arranged all the public relations action, said in some way and made a reference to a biblical text. It is a character similar to the one in the Bible. Who was he referring to? Who is Judas?
Rizea: In my opinion, I think he was referring to his former black money combination partner, the man who was brought to the SRI court by former General Zamfir, the man who was loyal to them, who they fought for as to take over. position, so this corrupt system in Romania arrested Sorin Ovidiu Vântu so that that position could be taken by force by Ghiță. He was referring to him.

Anca: So you think the character described is Ghita?
Rizea: Of course. It’s about him, as I think now, the ties are so close, regardless of the friendship that Maior has with Ghiță, I think the relationship is much stronger in the Coldea-Maior chain, even if there were divergences-see Maior’s resignation, the fact that Coldea also played another game after his march to Washington, but they have so much on their hands that if one speaks, the other goes with him.

Anca: Now that you reminded me who brought Ghiță to the SRI court, General Dumitru Zamfir, whom I spoke about in yesterday’s episode, I can’t help but talk to you about the Microsoft file. You told us in the first few episodes that they came to you, they offered you a million euros at the time, but I want to put the discussion in context. I found a statement, in fact the complaint of Gabriel Sandu, the former Minister of Communications, who blew up the Microsoft file and says his reign: “in January 2009 I was requested by Mr. Ghita, the personal sponsor of Mrs. Roberta Anastase, for a meeting with a very important person. They took me out of Mr. Ghiță’s automobile ministry with a driver and together with him, along with Ghiță, they took me to one of the SRI headquarters where Mr. General Dumitru Zamfir was waiting for us. I didn’t know who won the eromania auction1. After winning the auction, in early 2009, Ghita called me, whom I met and she said the following … There is no point in reading anymore. It is very long, but, in January 2009, Ghiță opened the door of the Minister of Communications in the PDL government. Let’s remember the Government of Ponta and this man answered affirmatively, got in his car, went to the SRI headquarters and spoke with General Dumitru Zamfir? Tell us how they came to you, in what year and how much they offered, and what was at stake.
Rizea: For the first time, Microsoft with licenses and everything we know about the years you refer to, it happened in 2003-2004 during the Adrian Năstase government. I said it then, I told you when my godfather, Alexandru Atanasiu, became Minister of Education. During his tenure, he continued what he had started a year earlier, during the tenure of Ecaterina Andronescu. That endowment in schools, with computers. Everyone remembers that show.

Rizea: You mean Sandu’s statement that it is real. I can confirm this and we will talk, but when we talk about Microsoft, we have to take it chronologically. This business was developed in Romania, a business with the necessary quotes, a combination for tricksters, developed in 2003-2004. When the government of Adrian Năstase started that program and agreed to that funding. So Romania was not in the EU, it did not have European money, in this area, it was budget money, we are talking about hundreds of millions, budget money, to equip schools with computers, those schools needed licenses, these licenses have then went purchased by the Ministry of Education and Research. This investment, business, combination began during the time of Ecaterina Andronescu and continued in 2003-2004 under the command of Atanasiu, my godfather. That is why I know this business so well. Later, Claudiu Florică, I saw him again after many years, I was a colleague in the general school, in Berceni, I say everything in the book, I was in first grade with him. She became the commander of the school unit and I greeted her. We met in Pescariu, I was with Dinu Pescariu, we knew each other from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, we became friends when he was chief of staff. Having interacted with all the heads of the federation, I formed a friendly relationship with Dinu. He came to me, he was born the same day, he came to me and introduced me to Dinu Florica. His mother had been my teacher and she gave it to me over the phone. He had taken over the land, I tell about it in the book, the influence peddling that Costoiu did, as the old base of the Courtiers gave Pescariu, attention, it was from the state, and Cati was angry with me when I came to live, I hope you answer. for the way he founded the Courage of a Private Investor. Costoiu put the money in his pocket, he cheated all the documents. Today, Pescariu has developed a business.

Anca: Do you have proof?
Rizea: I was there, I present the ministerial order in the book, everything about this Valiente business and how it came into action.

Anca: And Ponta was a regular at the Pescariu base?
Rizea: Look, Ponta, Bejinariu, the one who plays there, Dâncu, Maior, Horia Georgescu. They all played tennis there. She brought Florica to me, gave me her mother to greet her and she told me clearly, Florica told me: I represent Futjitzu Siemens, your godfather is a minister, let’s solve it, your godfather is a minister. , I made my entry into Adrian Năstase, Eugen Bejinariu, it is a contract that will be divided and there are the companies: Siveco, Ms. Socol, who was the contract holder and Futjitzu. the … pacard? He was also an important gentleman in the system that ran the branch here, and Claudiu was the representative of the new company Futjitzu, based in Vienna / he told me clearly with Dinu, I also resolved with Bejinariu, then he was Secretary General of the Government. Athanasius must sign, must share this cake, this cake must be shared between the four. Catch me on the cake too. Behind were Bitner, Petrache, Bartolomeu Finiș and Cocos. The Băneasa group was here through the exponent of Truică. The Băneasca group had put Remus Truică at the gate of Năstase’s gate, Bitner had put him, and they controlled this whole combination through Truică and Bejenariu. And Claudiu told me: I think those guys had asked him for a stake in the business, for profit. High profit of 500-600% on these licenses as they put them. And he told me it would be done anyway, talk to him. And then I understood the motivation. I mean, what he proposed to me was less than what these tricksters asked of him, I’m talking about Bejenariu, Truica, the rest, which he also took from the other 3 competitors. It was a $ 200 million cake, if I’m not mistaken, by extension. The boys also wanted to have a piece of this cake.
Rizea: At that time, Claudiu Florică and Pescariu offered me one million euros. Come on, we only give this if Atanasiu agrees to sign that Futjitzu Siemens is going for the cake, that’s all. They sat down, they were desperate, only the three had received acceptance.

Rizea: If all is well, we will transfer your money, we will go to Vienna, give us an account, we will open an account and we will make the transfer. I went to Vienna with my wife, I opened the account in her name, to understand each other clearly. He hadn’t changed his ID at that time, he had the girl’s name, Suditu, I opened the account in his name, I went back to Atanasiu, I explained, you have this contract on the table, you have to sign it and he gave it to me. He said: Cristi, let’s not get into this. They give me a million. Think about it, you are the only politician who would not accept such a thing. I don’t know which government would say no. After two hours, in the end Atanasiu’s wisdom mattered a lot and today I have to publicly thank him for not accepting. At first I was young, anyone in my place would have accepted.

Muzgoci: At the beginning of the year, the Supreme Court magistrates decided to restart the entire investigation within Microsoft from scratch. One of the judges has retired. The case lasted so long that one withdrew. If you ask me, the other judge, who is now 30 years old, could also retire … until they solve the problem. Why?
Rizea: My godfather did not accept, he told me, I think Nastase knows everything, very afraid of Nastase and they went on the wire, he did not, he is the only politician who did not put his nose on the rope.

Rizea: He told me: Cristi is not well, they took his money, he will also be in Nastase. We did not enter. All right, godfather. I told the guys: this account never worked. If I had accepted, you would have seen me with the Microsoft group because these guys dumped everyone, Claudiu Florică and Pescariu.

Anca: Did anyone pay for Microsoft? It looks like he put the handkerchief on the drum.
Rizea: They found some scapegoats, Gabi Sandu … like Niro, Cocos, Bejenariu – we see him where he is now the head of the SRI commission in Parliament, Adrian Petrache, Bitner, Bartolomeu Finiș, they have never been in prison. Remus Truica. He was in the office of the Minister of Education, he was under his subordination and he was there. Truica arrives arrogantly, closes the door to a minister and hands him a note. The note was from Adrian Năstase, he said so. My godfather showed me the ticket: look, your friends are on the list. It’s good that I didn’t accept. They had gone to the other side, they had contributed more, he told me a million, but to those who told them and entered to share the cake.

Anca: How much money are we talking about in this business so that people have the size?
Muzgoci: Only the state damage was 51 million, the one established by the prosecutors in the first phase. I guess the amount was higher …
Anca: I suppose they were not satisfied with a little of what you were counting, they spoke of millions upwards.

Rizea: There is a lot of money because we are talking about a framework contract for several years, the payments were made every year, they were guaranteed with the budget. Nobody, after Tariceanu had to respect because there were large penalty clauses, they could not be annulled, rescinded. And I’ll tell you a story. It was the inauguration of the Government of Tariceanu in Parliament in 2004. The PSD had lost the elections, Băsescu had won, Bejenariu was the prime minister left by Năstase in the short period he was in the campaign and gave Bejenariu his prerogatives as first Minister.
Rizea: He was in Parliament, my godfather in Parliament and Minister of Education a few more hours until the investiture in Parliament and then he came to my house, I served dinner. He came, his wife, my wife and I were there. The next day he had to hand over the mandate to Mr. Mircea Miclea. Memory. He told me like this: Bejenariu came desperately, he was Prime Minister for a few more hours and asked me to sign a payment, you realize, during the last hours of his mandate, he needed a signature. To sign a payment, 196 million dollars was the payment order, in lei, I remember, for Microsoft. They were desperate. The boys had taken the bribe first and were desperate to make the payment. And they did not think that we were losing the elections, we PSD, that we did not stick to the buttons and wanted to solve their problems because they had taken their money before. The sponsor said: I cannot sign, the proper sponsor, of which Romania had no part, the system did not allow it, and he said: I cannot sign something without the signature of the economic director. What do you think Bejenariu did? Please put them on the phone to confirm and tell me it’s not true. He took home Mihai Păunică, the famous Păunică, the basic man of Costoiu in all combinations of the Ministry of Education. After about an hour, he says: Eugen was also a parliamentarian. Sandu, that’s what they were talking about, it’s Păunică in the parking lot, he came. Athanasius fell flat on his face. He said: I am not signing, there are a few hours left, the new government is in front of us, there are a few hours left, I have no way of signing.
