Risk incentive of 2000 lei per month for local police officers, in the context of the pandemic – project initiated by PSD deputies – Essential


Two PSD deputies and MP Dorel Căprar, who passed from PSD to the party founded by Dan Voiculescu, presented a bill to the Senate that proposed the granting of a risk incentive of 2,000 lei per month, for the local police and 1,000 lei for officials with general positions and contracted personnel of the Local Police, during the state of emergency and the state of alert.

The bill initiated by PSD deputies Adrian Todor and Vasile Cocos and Dorel Căprar completes art. 7 of the Government Emergency Ordinance 43/2020 for the approval of some support measures liquidated with European funds, as a consequence of the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, during the state of emergency, by introducing two new paragraphs, according to News.ro.

What the project contributes:

  • “(8) The granting of a risk incentive amounting to 2,000 lei per month is approved for public officials with a specific post of local police within the Local Police and 1,000 lei per month for public officials with general positions and contracted personnel of the Local Police, during the state of emergency and the state of alert, from the salary fund of the employing unit, for transfers from the state budget, from Title VI “Transfers between public administration units” or from other titles where the amounts they are budgeted for this purpose, through the main authorizing officer or from European funds “.
  • “The risk incentive granted is not included in the monthly basis for calculating the social security contribution, the social health insurance contribution, respectively the work insurance contribution, regulated in Title V” Compulsory social contributions “of Law 227/2015 of the Fiscal Code, with subsequent modifications “.

The initiators specify in the explanatory memorandum that the Local Police is subordinate and coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior, after the issuance of the decree declaring the state of alert by President Klaus Iohannis and after the issuance of the GEO that provides that “a from May 15 Local Police epidemiological condition in Romania “.

Therefore, say the initiators, officials “with a specific local police position within the Local Police have the task of stopping the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, maintaining control of the epidemiological situation, controlling the quarantined and isolated people, and ensure public order in quarantined localities, in accordance with the provisions of the Decisions / Decisions of the Local Committees for emergency situations, as well as Law 136/2020 establishing measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk, republished ”.

The bill was registered in normal proceedings in the Senate, first notified, the decision being the Chamber of Deputies.
