Rise Project: How the Clan of Athletes helps Mihai Mitrache, the businessman of the scandal with Nicusor Dan, to intervene near the Sector 4 City Council officials | News, News Romania | Freedom


Mihai Mitrache, called Câine, 49, grew up with the recuperators of the Athivilor Clanul. With many of the thieves, he was a classmate in elementary school, assumes the connections with them, but boasts of having a clean record.

The innkeeper also talks about the periodic salaries that he would have paid to officials in sector 4 and says that he rebelled in 2017, when the amounts to be contributed increased and he was puzzled.

Mitrache came into conflict with everyone involved in the bribery chain, and the war quickly escalated, leading to civil lawsuits and DNA self-reports.

In the cause of Câine, other innkeepers of Orășelul Copiilor also joined, falling from grace.

Rise Project: How the Athletes Clan helps Mihai Mitrache, the businessman of the scandal with Nicușor Dan, to intervene with the Sector 4 City Council officials
Mitrache’s restaurant was demolished in the Children’s City Photo: Agerpres

They claim that the chain includes amusement park entrepreneurs who allegedly collected cash for two key people in the Băluță administration, on whom everyone’s businesses depended:

  • Marian Goleac (former director of ADP 4, current Totul Verde SA, sued for falsification of the Baccalaureate degree);
  • Marian Simion called Siu (the head of Local Management who dictated in the parks).
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Marian goleac

Initially, Dog agreed to give 2,000 euros for the operating license. The intermediary would have been Alexandru Noapteș, lawyer, former director of CFR Călători and cousin of Viorel Hrebenciuc.

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Rise Project: How the Athletes Clan helps Mihai Mitrache, the businessman of the scandal with Nicușor Dan, to intervene with the Sector 4 City Council officials
Alexandru Noapteș

Anti-corruption prosecutors closed the case based on complaints from Câine and the other innkeepers last year, for lack of evidence.

In the volume of judicial interceptions, the suspects monitored in the Children’s City also refer to the relations of the complainant Câine with the Clan of Athletes.

A certain Ionel Voinea, named John, real estate developer in Berceni and part of the brigade of Robert Nica, co-founder of the Athletes Clan, helped him, for 5,000 euros, to obtain authorization for the expansion of the green space of the restaurant in Orășelul Copiilor .

Rise Project: How the Athletes Clan helps Mihai Mitrache, the businessman of the scandal with Nicușor Dan, to intervene with the Sector 4 City Council officials
The Clan of Athletes

After the installation of the Băluță administration, the new councilor Florian Puiu, co-founder with the undercover Calu of the Clanul Sportivilor, and Marian Goleac became the first violin. The first assumed the urban planning commission of the sector council, and Goleac – ADP 4, the commercial company in which the mayor’s office subcontracts the bulk of its budget. And the Dog knew them both.

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Today, Goleac retired and is on trial for fraud, while the Puiu real estate combinations recently dissolved PSD Ilfov’s management office, where he had since moved.

At this moment, Câine is counting on the compensation at the end of the lawsuit with the Sector 4 City Council, which would have demolished his abusive restaurant.

In its support comes a ruling issued by the Bucharest Court of Appeal on May 4, 2020, a day after the ADP4 excavators shaved their business in the park. The judges suspended the demolition order claiming that Mitrache owned all rights to part of the building.

The dog-owned pub in Children’s Town has been operating for the past 15 years on the site of a former communist student bookstore, privatized in the 1990s. The dog bought the asset in 2004.

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The actual expansion was authorized in 2013, during the Piedone era.

The place officially became the home of the Mitrache family, who moved with all their might to the upper level of the building.

The restaurant covered 240 square meters, of which 80 belonged to the Dog and 160, to the public domain. To demolish, everything was demolished.

If the mayor’s office loses the claim, the damages will be borne by the residents of sector 4.

The full investigation, including the timing of Nicusor Dan’s appearance on the demolition issue, in Project Rise.

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