Reversal of the situation. The United States officially accuses China of manufacturing coronaviruses in the laboratory: “There is great evidence”


“There is great evidence that he left there,” the US secretary of state insisted in a statement to ABC, but declined to say whether he believed the virus had been intentionally released by the Chinese.

But “China is known for its penchant for infecting the world and using substandard laboratories,” he added, adding that “this is not the first time that a virus has threatened the world.” from Chinese labs. ”

On the other hand, Mike Pompeo expressed his regret at the lack of cooperation from the Chinese authorities to elucidate the origin of the pandemic. “They continue to block access from Westerners, from the best doctors. We need to be able to go there. We still don’t have the virus samples we need,” he said.

His comments came after President Donald Trump said Thursday that the new coronavirus came from the Wuhan Virology Laboratory and threatened China with new customs duties.
