Reversal of the situation! The players fired by the drunk coach accuse him of doing the same. “Then start with Mystery”


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Coach George Zima harshly accused both of them, saying it’s better to demean than tolerate such acts. The players admitted their mistake, but Ciaca points a finger at Zima, who says he was drunk at times. And if it is decided to get fired for such a thing, then Technician Zima should be in the same situation.

Bogdan Ciaca accuses George Zima, the coach who fired him for drunkenness, of having the same drinking problems

Everything the lord says is true and I assume it. It was a mistake on my part and I’m sorry. Probably accumulating so many frustrations and negative things lately and not only because of football I exploded. I want to publicly apologize to the sir, management and colleagues!“Said Bogdan Ciaca for Sportul Sălăjean.

However, it was not the best match we have seen for Bogdan Ciaca.

As for what Mr. George Zima has said, I cannot remain indifferent and ashamed. I assume what I did and feel it once again! I was wrong, but that was one thing, not something that happens week after week.

If the leadership does not tolerate such a thing, then it should start with Mister, and he is in my situation many times! If I accept these words, I will accept them from Mr. Gurzău, but never from him.

There are a lot of other things I could say, but I don’t want to make too much of a fuss about it now that the team needs peace. My colleague, Crişan Silviu, has the same feelings. We do not seek forgiveness or apologies, but we cannot accept feeling nationally embarrassed by someone who is in the same position as us. Maybe worse. A good day“Said also Bogdan Ciaca.

What happened in Sportul Şimleu Silvaniei with the two drunken players, Ciaca and Crişan

Ciaca and Crișan showed up under the influence of alcohol in practice on Sunday morning and caused a nervous breakdown in coach George Zima. He immediately contacted the team management and the two players were fired.

The two committed very serious acts of indiscipline, incompatible with high-performance sports. I did the reports for the termination of the contracts, and the two of them are no longer part of the team. I also told the president that if he had to choose between them and demotion, he would choose demotion.

I have many children in the locker room and I have certain principles. I don’t make fun of my career and my work.George Zima told the same source.

Tags: sport simleu silvaniei , bogdan ciaca , silviu crisan , george zima
