Reversal in Italy: The number of deaths from COVID-19 continues to decline. How many cases have been recorded in the last 24 hours – News from the sources


In Italy, the number of deaths due to the new type of coronavirus continues to decrease, being less than 200 in the last 24 hours. The new cases detected are 1,083, almost the same number as on May 5 (1,075), the lowest on March 10, writes

The data from the new Civil Protection newsletter shows a decrease in inmates. There were 1,034 people in Intensive Care on Saturday, 134 fewer than on Friday.

13,834 people are still hospitalized with symptoms, 802 fewer than the day before. In isolation, at home, there are 69,974 people (less 2,183 compared to Friday).

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In the last 24 hours, 194 people died, 243 deaths were declared on Friday, the total balance was 30,395.

People cured are 103,031, a 24-hour increase of 4,008 (2,747 people were cured on Friday).

69,171 tests were performed, compared to Friday: 63,775.

The total number of people who have contracted the virus in Italy since the beginning of the epidemic is 218,268.
