Results of the 2020 parliamentary elections at the ballot box. Who wins the elections: NLP or PSD


The first results of the parliamentary elections, such as an exit poll, will be announced by the Vanguard Sociological Research Institutes and the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology (CURS), accredited by the Central Electoral Office.

The news is updated!

Results of the exit survey in 2020 parliamentary elections they are announced at 9:00 p.m., after the polls close.

Right now Pro TV News presents in a special edition, which can also be viewed online at, the latest information on these parliamentary elections.

The guests are the political scientist Cristian Pârvulescu and the journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu.

CLICK HERE to see the special edition LIVE!

Pro TV

According to Agerpres, the companies SC Megatronic World Productions SRL and Ana Events & PR SRL were also accredited for conducting national opinion polls.

It is, without doubt, the longest day for those involved in these parliamentary elections. The stakes are high and it is called Romania, now and more than 4 years ago.

In all campaign locations, tensions rise

For the liberals, what is at stake is important mainly because their government depends on the outcome of these 2020 parliamentary elections, whether or not they lead, and in the next 4 years, the Executive.

Around 7.30 pm, however, at the NLP headquarters in Aleea Modrogan it was quite quiet, unlike other elections, when the courtyard was full of party militants and supporters.

On this occasion, special conditions were applied, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, so that at the NLP headquarters, in addition to the political leaders, there are only a few journalists, and these in limited numbers.

And at the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party there was silence around 7:30 p.m. Marcel Ciolacu was present throughout the day, along with two of his trusted people: Sorin Grindeanu and Paul Stănescu.

Președintele PSD are rezultate exit poll for this 2020 parliamentary elections, but did not want to publicize them.

However, in an unofficial discussion with journalists, Ciolacu expressed optimism about exit survey results. He said, however, that the party mayors told him that it was very difficult to mobilize the electorate, especially in rural areas, due to the pandemic.
