Restricting the movement of people at night, closing of shops after 9:00 p.m. and other measures – in force on Monday – Essential


As of Monday, the use of a mask is mandatory for all people who have reached 5 years of age in all open spaces, shops close at 9:00 p.m., it is forbidden to drive outside the house between 11:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. 5:00, with a few exceptions. for which a declaration must be submitted under its own responsibility, and the activity of markets, fairs and fairs in closed spaces is suspended, according to Agerpres.

The Government Decision that modifies and complements GD 856/2020 on the extension of the state of alert in Romanian territory from October 15, adopted on Thursday and published in the Official Gazette, stipulates that these measures to prevent and limit the Spread of SARS-CoV 2 infection takes effect on Monday.

In this sense, the use of a protective mask to cover the nose and mouth is mandatory for all people who have reached the age of 5 in all open spaces. It is forbidden to hold meetings on the occasion of holidays, anniversaries, parties in closed and / or open public and / or private spaces.

In all localities, the movement of people outside the home / home is prohibited in the time interval between 23.00 – 5.00 with some exceptions motivated by: travel for professional interest, including between home and the place / places of professional activity and return; travel for medical care that cannot be postponed or carried out remotely, as well as for the purchase of medicines; travel outside the localities of people who are in transit or make trips whose time interval overlaps the prohibition period, such as those made by plane, train, bus or other means of passenger transport and that can be accredited by ticket or any other way to pay for the trip; to move for justified reasons, such as the care / accompaniment of the child, the assistance to the elderly, sick or disabled or the death of a relative.

In order to verify the reason for the trip for professional interest, individuals are obliged to present, at the request of the personnel of the competent authorities, the service card or certificate issued by the employer or a statement under their own responsibility. To verify the reason for the trip in personal interest, individuals are obliged to submit, at the request of the personnel of the competent authorities, a declaration under their own responsibility, previously completed.

The declaration must include name and surname, date of birth, address of the residence / home / place of professional activity, reason for the trip, date of completion and signature.

Likewise, the activity of the terraces will be suspended, which are closed with a roof, roof or roof and delimited by at least two walls, regardless of their nature or temporary or permanent nature.

The preparation, marketing and consumption of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is allowed in specially designed spaces located outside the buildings, in the open air, ensuring a minimum distance of 2 meters between meals and the participation of a maximum of 6 people at a table, if they are different families and compliance with the sanitary protection measures established by joint order of the Minister of Health, the Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment and the President of the National Veterinary Health Authority and Food Safety.

At the same time, the obligation is established for economic operators that carry out commercial / service activities in public and / or private closed and / or open spaces to organize and carry out their activity in the time interval 5:00 – 21:00. As an exception, in the time interval from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., economic operators can only activate in relation to economic operators with home delivery activity. Likewise, as an exception, pharmaceutical units, gas stations and economic operators with home delivery activity may carry out their activity under a normal work regime, observing the health protection regulations.

Another measure that has been in force since Monday is the suspension of the activity of the agri-food markets in closed spaces, fairs, fairs, mixed and flying markets and flea markets. Exceptionally, the activity of agri-food markets that can be organized in open public spaces is allowed, complying with the health protection regulations.

For employers in the public and private system with a number greater than 50 employees, the obligation to organize work hours in teleworking or home work is established. If this is not possible and in order to avoid public transport congestion, public and private institutions and economic operators organize working hours so that staff are divided into groups that start, respectively, end the activity with a difference of at least an hour.

On Thursday, the Government also adopted the Emergency Ordinance that modifies and complements Law 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which stipulates, among other things, that between November 2020 and the December 31, 2020, by order of the Minister of Education and Research, based on the decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations and the analysis of the epidemiological situation at the national level, may order the suspension of activities that require physical presence of preschoolers, preschoolers and students in schools and continue teaching activities. line.
