Restaurants, bars, cinemas and game rooms in Bucharest have reopened since Monday


The Bucharest Municipality Committee for Emergency Situations (CMBSU) decided to lift various restrictions in the capital, starting on Monday. The decision comes after three days in a row the incidence of COVID-19 infection was below 3 per thousand inhabitants, sources who participated in the meeting confirmed at

Thus, since Monday, restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters and gaming halls have reopened indoors, within the 30% capacity limit.

It is the third consecutive day with an incidence of less than 3 per thousand. We had to convene the committee. It has been decided that starting on January 0, at 0:00, various measures will be relaxed. As we have already presented, the relaxation is aimed at the Horeca field. A maximum capacity of 30%, complying with all regulations. In the field of theaters, theaters, cinemas, with a 30% audience presence. They are allowed to operate with the public and gambling halls, also, with 30% capacity, between 6 in the morning and 9 at night …

We will be uncompromising. We decided to intensify the controls. I do not want to comment on the statements of the Minister of Health. The figures are reported by structures of the Ministry of Health “said the prefect of the Capital, Traian Berbeceanu.

The Committee on Emergency Situations in Bucharest met on Friday at 1:00 p.m. to approve the lifting of some restrictions on the capital. The decision comes after the incidence of COVID-19 in Bucharest fell below 3 cases per thousand.

The city of Bucharest remained for the third consecutive day in the orange zone in terms of the contagion rate for the new coronavirus accumulated at 14 days, after registering 2.52 cases per thousand inhabitants on Friday, decreasing with respect to the previous day, when it had 2.69 cases per thousand inhabitants. In these conditions, it is expected that there will be a relaxation of the restrictions from Saturday.

The Minister of Health asked CMBSU to maintain restrictions in the Capital

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu requested the maintenance of the restrictions in the Capital, through an open letter sent to CMBSU on Friday.

The Health Ministry states that new cases of infection with the British strain of the Sars-Cov-2 virus have been identified, raising the alert level from high to very high. Today a case of infection with this variant of coronavirus would have been identified in the border area of ​​Bucharest, the letter says.

We believe that in the national and European context, relaxation measures represent a significant risk “affirms the minister, who affirms that other relaxations would endanger the reopening of schools, which is a priority.

Publisher: DC
