Reșița Covid Hospital: Naked patients crawling for help in the corridors, a corpse on the bed and pigeons in the wards


The first fines were given at the Resita hospital, after several patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 were treated with indifference by medical personnel and even ended up in humiliating circumstances. In parallel, the prosecutors opened a criminal case.

The director of the institution, three nurses and a nurse have to pay almost 20,000 lei.

The amount seems insignificant compared to the seriousness of the situation. Some of the patients were filmed on the floor, in the corridors and in the wards and in the bathrooms, the misery provokes the revolt.

The sanctions came on the day that Eurostat announced that Romania spends the least amount of money for health per capita among the countries of the European Union: only 580 euros, given that the EU average is almost 3,000.

In addition to lack of money, poor management of the medical system is what leads to situations like Resita’s.

Be careful, there are images and details that can affect you emotionally.

Collapsed patient in the hallway: “Come on, me, upstairs, once … I can’t, me!“.

Collapsed on the cold floor of the hospital lobby, this man desperately calls for help. There are no medical personnel in the area to help you get up.

Patience: “Look how the man sits there and nobody does anything, absolutely nobody, no assistant, no … nobody, nobody“.

We are in Stationary 3, a building of the Reșița County Hospital, with three sections, in which patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 are treated.

In recent days, several scandalous images have emerged from here.

A man, almost completely naked, seems abandoned in the middle of a corridor. Elsewhere, another was caught in a similar situation.

In what appears to be a living room, the body of a patient was left in a black bag on a bed.

Patients, mostly elderly, some with mental illnesses, brought in with coronavirus from a care facility, received a phone number on a sheet of paper to ask for help when they needed it. It’s just that someone doesn’t always answer them.

“Grandpa can be heard calling for help!”

That is the number of interns. Yesterday I waited an hour for a gill to be made. We call 112, we have nothing to do. Nobody is answering“.

Marie, come on! Come on!“.

In these images is Vasile Pepelcu. The 77-year-old man from Moldavia Nouă arrived 3 weeks ago at Station 3 in Reșița.

After ten days of hospitalization, he died. His family in Belgium was horrified to see the images.

Marius Pepelcu, nephew: “The first few seconds, you can hear the grandfather yelling for help, his mother realized that he was the grandfather. Dropped it all from his hand“.

Beyond the way patients are treated, in Stationary 3 clutter arises.

In a living room, a wild pigeon that has nothing to look for in a medical unit searches for food on the floor.

Next to the bed of a sick woman, stripped from the waist down, is a pile of rubble. In a bathroom, the dirt from the trash is gone and the bedding in the living rooms is torn, old and dirty.

Alina Stancovici is the director of Reșița County Hospital, to which Stationary 3 belongs.

In March, he was the only candidate for the position. Stancovici previously worked at the Caraş-Severin City Council, a former cabinet director at the Reșița City Council and a reference in the Chamber of Deputies.

Due to her lack of medical training, Alina Stancovici was suspended from her post by the Ministry of Health in a state of emergency, but returned to office in August.

On Wednesday, he tried to find an explanation for the way patients are treated.

Alina Stancovici, Manager, Reșița County Hospital: “It is a really unsanitary building. You can no longer provide hotel conditions and guarantee the medical act. In the infectious room at the moment we only have two doctors and the auxiliary medical personnel are infected and some of them are on sick leave.“.

Reșița County Hospital belongs to the Caraș-Severin County Council, headed by Romeo-Dan Dunca.

Nothing has been invested in the Stationary 3 building, built in 1957, in recent years. Only a few screens and some doors have been installed and there are no special circuits for patients and doctors.

Romeo Dan Dunca, President of the Caraş-Severin City Council: “A full rehabilitation is scheduled. My opinion is that this hospital needs to be closed, the rags with your money are very bad“.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Health sent the State Sanitary Inspectorate to Control Station 3 in Reșița.

Manager Alina Staconvici was fined 10,000 lei because sanitation and repair work was not carried out at the hospital, although she had assumed it in the director’s contract and had a deadline until this month.

The head nurses of the pneumophysiology and infectious diseases departments were fined 2,000 lei each for not following work protocols. A nurse received the same sanction.

Another nurse was fined 2,400 lei for mishandling medical waste.

Criminal case for abuse of office

On Wednesday, the prosecutors announced that “regarding the role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Reșița Court, the file with no. 2728 / P / 2020, having as object the crime of abuse of previous position. of art. 297 Cp “.

In this case, the facts described in the images of 02.12.2020, which appeared in the national media, respectively, filmed images and other press materials showing indications that more patients with mental and other problems of health, hospitalized in a ward within the Resita County Emergency Hospital, they do not receive adequate care by being naked in the hallways of the ward, directly on the cement / floor or with dead people who were not picked up from the wards, as well as with the conditions in the rooms / spaces where they are hospitalized ”, is reflected in a statement signed by the Deputy Attorney General of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Caraş-Severin Court, Emanuel Popescu.

We specify that the investigative activities of the criminal investigation stage, as the first stage of the criminal process, are carried out in accordance with the legal provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure and are aimed at administering evidence in compliance with procedural rights and guarantees, all person under investigation at this stage of the criminal process, benefiting from the presumption of innocence until a final judgment is issued, in accordance with the law, ”the prosecutors reported.

New outbreaks in psychiatric hospitals

The sanctions were applied on the day that another 5,000 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection were confirmed in Romania, after less than 16,000 tests.

In the last 24 hours, 135 of us have been killed by coronavirus. A new negative record was set in intensive care units: 1,260 patients fight for life in ATI.

Meanwhile, new outbreaks are emerging in psychiatric hospitals. In Pădureni – Grajduri, Iași County, 40 patients and employees of the media unit were confirmed to have coronavirus.

Marius Voicescu, bearer of DSP Iași: “Positive patients were isolated at the hospital, the department was disinfected, and positive staff were isolated at home.“.

This is the second outbreak found in the Pădureni – Stable Hospital for psychiatry and security measures. In October, 120 patients and employees were infected with SARS-CoV-2.
