Reserved for the Covid vaccine, BOR is responsible for side effects. “A vaccine that has never been used before”


The Romanian Patriarchate reports “that it was and continues to be in favor of vaccination”, but stresses that the Church cannot rule on strictly medical issues, “especially in the case of a recent vaccine that has not been used and on which specialists in the field they are pronounced gradually or differently. “

The representatives of the Patriarchate claim, in a statement sent to the press on Friday, that due to the success of the anti-Covid 19 vaccination campaign It is necessary to correctly inform the population about some aspects, such as the voluntary, free and safe nature of the act of vaccination, the fact that it is a right, not an obligation.

“The Romanian Patriarchate welcomes the good news of the vaccine that could reduce and stop the current pandemic, but The church cannot rule over strictly medical matters. Especially in the case of a recent vaccine that has not been used before and that specialists in the field decide for themselves gradually or differently., shown in the press release.

According to the representatives of the Patriarchate, vaccination should be a responsible and fully informed prophylactic act recommended and accepted on the basis of clear and complete information, provided by the competent authorities and correctly received by citizens.

“The position of the Romanian Patriarchate, which values ​​medical science and its many benefits, has been and continues to be a favorable to vaccination, however, constantly emphasizing the fundamental need for the strict observance of ethical principles: informed consent, a clear description of benefits and risks, responsibility in the event that vaccination has adverse effects on the health of the vaccinated person, the notice. .

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
