require the presidency of the House or the position of prime minister


The USR PLUS alliance is not willing to accept that the post of prime minister and the post of president of the Chamber of Deputies return to the PNL. Dominic Fritz, the mayor of Timisoara, confirmed Friday night on Digi24 that in the negotiations with NLP taking place on Saturday, USR PLUS will demand parity: the office of prime minister versus the office of president of the Chamber of Deputies.

Dominic Fritz is part of the USR PLUS team that begins on Saturday morning, in Bucharest, the negotiations with the representatives of the PNL and UDMR to form a government coalition.

“As you spoke of the Prime Minister, however, I must say that there are two very important positions at the top of the state, in Parliament and in the Government: the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, and In a true association, of course, NOT a single party can have both functions“Dominic Fritz told Digi24 on Friday night.

The PNL leaders decided, at the BPN meeting on Wednesday night, to support the party president, Ludovic Orban, for the position of president of the Chamber of Deputies in the negotiations that will continue with USR PLUS and UDMR, while Florin proposes himself for the post of prime minister. Cîţu.

However, the leadership of the Chamber of Deputies is also claimed by USR PLUS, who wants his position for the co-chairman of the party, Dan Barna, who is also a deputy. At the same time, USR PLUS will support the proposal for Dacian Cioloș to be Prime Minister.

When asked why the office of Senate president is not discussed, given that he is the second man in the state, Dominic Fritz said that while democracy works in Romania, “the president of the Chamber of Deputies has an important role in the legislative process “.

USR PLUS does not want to be an “appendage” of NLP

“I think that in a functional and stable government it is not possible for one party, and it is not healthy, in fact, to have all the power,” Dominic Fritz told Digi24 on Friday night, emphasizing the idea of ​​equity in the division of functions.

“I think it is important for people to see that this is a serious association, in which not one party or two parties are the appendage of a party that runs everything, but that we make sure that, in fact, the interests of the Romanians who voted for this government are also reflected in important positions, ”explained Dominic Fritz.

He even gave the example of Timisoara for such an unfair division, in his opinion, of functions. In Timisoara, a partnership between USRPLUS and PNL for the City Council has not yet been concluded. PNL proposed that all vice-presidents have in the Provincial Council, and in the City Council, USR PLUS should have all vice-mayors. “We have rejected this approach precisely because we believe that it is unhealthy if one party has all the power,” said Dominic Fritz.

What is USR PLUS trading?

When asked if the name for the post of prime minister is negotiable or if it begins with Florin Cîțu, Dominic Fritz replied: “This is what we will see tomorrow (Saturday – no) in the negotiations.”

When asked what USR PLUS is not willing to give up in these negotiations, Dominic Fritz outlined some issues that he would like to include in the government program: “I think it is very important to look at what the Romanians voted for us and it is It is very clear that Romanians are not satisfied with the functioning of the Romanian state, they no longer trust that politics can improve their lives and that means that we want a government, and this is really not negotiable, we want a government that assumes, in fact , profound reforms in all areas of the state. We cannot continue like this. We need to take the initiative No penaltiesFor example, in practice, we need profound reforms in justice, health, education and it is clear that this must be reflected in the program of the new government, ”said Dominic Fritz.

He confirmed that in the vision of USRPLUS, the government program will be a political contract between the participants, with terms and conditions, although, he acknowledged, there are still “goals that collide.”

How long are you willing to trade USR PLUS?

On the other hand, USR PLUS does not seem willing to negotiate in a hurry, since on Monday the political parties are summoned to the Cotoceni Palace for consultations with President Klaus Iohannis.

“Of course, Romania is in a difficult situation and it would be desirable to have a government as soon as possible. On the other hand, it is important, because it must be a long-term partnership, to check if we have a common base, which can support us for four years, for a stable government, if we have a common political project for Romania. I don’t think it’s good to get together quickly, share some features and that’s it.Dominic Fritz said. “As many times in life we ​​have goals that sometimes collide, but you have to be careful not to pass a phase quickly to agree very clearly what we really want to do in the next four years,” he added. .

For the government to resist, “it is important to talk about what the objectives of this government are. We have to start with a clear idea of ​​what we want to do for Romanians, exactly so as not to end up in a situation where after six months we break up, because we realize that we are shooting in different directions and that is why it is important not to rush and talk only about functions, “said Dominic Fritz, commenting on the observation that there are some voices that say that this coalition government will not be united and will not he will be able to rule a lot.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
