Remedies for spring cold


Whimsical weather and sudden temperature changes can negatively affect your health, especially if you’re not careful to keep fit.

If in previous editions of our newspaper we offered you some useful advice in the fight against spring asthenia, now we tell you something about how you can avoid colds.

We’ve also provided some specialist advice on how to get back on your feet faster, when cold symptoms make life difficult.

There are researchers who claim that there are around 200 viruses that can cause colds. The same specialists affirm that the predisposition to allergies, the existence of nasal polyps or living under continuous stress make us much more vulnerable to cold than exposure to cold, traditionally seen as the main cause of disease.

Two days or two weeks

Colds are considered the most common disease, affecting almost the entire population.

Symptoms, which include, as we all know, a sore throat, sneezing, a runny nose, headache, and sometimes fever, are usually not very severe.

However, each body reacts specifically in the fight against the disease, so some patients do not feel these symptoms for more than two days. For others, however, the discomfort can last up to two weeks.

When do we have to go to the doctor?

It is a good idea to seek the advice of your family doctor once these symptoms have appeared. However, a visit to the doctor’s office becomes mandatory if the discomfort worsens, if the fever rises in a short time, and breathing difficulties due to blocked nostrils (“stuffy nose”) lead to respiratory failure.

All these signs can indicate that you do not have a cold, but a condition with much more serious manifestations and consequences.

In such situations, your doctor’s recommendations are vital to your cure.

Specific treatment

If the symptoms are of moderate intensity, that is, they seem bearable, it can be treated with aspirin and paracetamol, if your doctor has not yet prohibited it.

The advice of your pharmacist can also be very helpful in choosing the medications to use.

A proper diet is also recommended: sufficient, but not excessive, amounts of food and abundant consumption of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables to revitalize the body.

It is also important to hydrate as well as possible with hot water and tea, and to avoid consuming tobacco, alcohol and coffee as much as possible. You may also need bed rest.

Even if you have a lot of head problems, think it’s better to take a day off and recover than to be sick for a week or even two.

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