Remdesivir, licensed in the US USA As a treatment for COVID-19. When will you arrive in Romania?


The use of Remdesivir for the treatment of coronavirus has been urgently authorized in the United States.


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The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences to authorize the use of its experimental antiviral drug. Remdesivir, a remedy that shortens the recovery time of patients infected with COVID-19, reports AFP and Reuters.

“I am pleased to announce that Gilead has obtained emergency authorization from the FDA to redeem it,” United States President Donald Trump said Friday at the White House.

During a meeting in the Oval Office with the President of the United States, the company’s CEO, Daniel O’Day, described the decision as an important first step and announced that Gilead Sciences is donating 1.5 million ampoules to help to the patients. Vice President Mike Pence announced that the 1.5 million ampoules will begin distribution to hospitals on Monday.

What effect does Remdesivir have on people infected with coronavirus?

Gilead said Wednesday that the drug helped improve outcomes for COVID-19 patients and provided data suggesting that remdesevir worked best when administered as soon as possible after infection.

This experimental medication was originally created to cure patients with Ebola hemorrhagic fever.

According to a study by the American Institutes of Health (NIH), remdesevir shortens the recovery period of COVID-19 patients by a few days.

When will Remdesivir arrive in Romania?

The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, declared on Tuesday that the drug Remdesivir could arrive, after approval, in about a month in Romania.

He was asked about testing this drug in the United States at the University of Chicago Hospital in a sample of 125 patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

“We also saw the US study. There are 125 cases and only two deaths. Our goal is to be accredited in the United States, then join the European community and we can take over. It is a positive response (nr to Remdesivir) and a promising answer as an elective treatment for coronavirus. We are in a relationship where we have a discussion with those who do this study. As long as the recipe is approved, we can take it to the European Community, it will be approved in our country and then in Romania Nelu Tătaru said.

When asked about a time estimate, the minister replied, “Let’s wait in about a month.”
