Relaxation measures May 15. Rules to follow to protect ourselves from Covid-19


Romania is preparing for great relaxation. After the end of the state of emergency, when the restrictions are no longer in place, we will be able to leave the houses, go to church, to the hairdresser or to the dentist.

However, there will be enough recommendations to protect us from the Covid 19 threat: from wearing protective masks indoors, to avoiding congestion or disinfection with alcohol-based antiseptics.

After May 15, when the state of emergency ceases and implicitly the restrictions imposed by military ordinances, we will have much more freedom of movement. Precisely because they await the agglomeration of urban areas, the National Institute of Public Health wants the relaxation to be carried out in accordance with the minimum protection recommendations in which the keywords continue to be the mask of protection and social distancing. Especially indoors.

Rules for public transport.

For urban public transport, whether it is tram, bus, trolleybus, access is mandatory with a mask on the front door while descending from the rear. Carriers should ensure a flow of means so as not to create congestion and, in addition, mark the places that can be occupied.

In addition, all means of transport must be disinfected at least every four hours.

And on trains, permitted seats will be marked to maintain a distance of at least one meter between passengers;

For sleeper cars or sleeping cars, only one passenger per compartment will be allowed, except for members of the same family.

For the toilet in the wagons it is mandatory to provide running water, liquid soap and hand sanitizer.

Recommendations for schools and colleges

In schools, access will be allowed exclusively to students who are preparing for exams, whether they are assessments in eighth grade or high school, for the final years of high school. However, groups of up to ten students may study in each class, the courses cannot last more than three hours, with breaks of ten minutes each for the ventilation of the classes.

The participation of students and teaching or auxiliary personnel suffering from chronic diseases, living with people suffering from such diseases or people over 65 years of age is prohibited in training activities.

The students mentioned in point 2 will benefit from an alternative form of training.

How can we go to church?

Access to the Churches will be carried out again, but with the fulfillment of a minimum set of recommendations to avoid contamination with the new virus. One by one, with distance, at least 8 square meters, with mask, disinfection at the entrance. Priest helpers will monitor people with symptoms of respiratory infections.

Special precautions:

1. Avoid touching or kissing the sacred objects of worship, instead of these ritual gestures, kneeling or bowing will be indicated;

2. The blessing will be given / received from a distance of at least 1m;

3. Offering / receiving fellowship will be avoided in conditions where disposable teaspoons and cups cannot be provided;

Constantin Stoica, Orthodox pastor: The services will take place only outside, he has already prepared space, with chairs that will be spaced only to follow the recommendations.

Rules to follow in dental offices

After May 15, dentists reopened their practices, but in much stricter conditions than before.

The same recommendations are made for hairdressers and hairdressers or beauty salons. Appointments will also be needed here to keep customers from waiting. And the masks will be mandatory for everyone.

When making the appointment, the client will be informed that access to the facilities will be made only after verifying the temperature, which must not exceed 37 degrees, subject to the absence of symptoms of respiratory viruses and hand disinfection.

As of May 15, we are on alert, and the Interior Ministry in turn proposes measures to stop the spread of the virus. Wearing protective masks, disinfecting hands but also contact surfaces in public institutions or commercial spaces, epidemiological triage that includes taking the temperature, are just some of the things we have to get used to next week.

And because the risk of mass contamination will not go away with the end of the state of emergency, authorities want to maintain certain restrictions, especially for those who show signs and symptoms of the virus and who are advised to stay home. However, the prohibition on collective activities would continue.

Such as: demonstrations, demonstrations, processions, concerts or any other meeting in open spaces, but also
indoor activities.

Shopping centers may remain closed

Restaurants and terraces can also be suspended, only home delivery is allowed. Shopping malls would remain closed, with the exception of the supermarkets within them, while other product categories, such as household appliances, would be sold exclusively through online commerce.

All of these relaxation proposals, launched by both the national institute of public health and the interior ministry, are now in public debate and will likely be adopted by the end of next week.
