Relaxation measures after May 15, regulated by law. The Orban government proposed at the government meeting yesterday, May 11, a law to guarantee the limitation of the spread of the new coronavirus and, after May 15, the date from which the restrictions for the population.


The law must go to parliament.

Yesterday’s government meeting focused on the bill proposed by the government, through which the Executive wants to regulate the state of alert, established on May 15, when restrictions on the population will be relaxed. The law will be sent to Parliament, and Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has announced that he will request that the bill be debated urgently.

In the health field, the measures imposed by the authorities since the establishment of the state of emergency have been largely maintained.

“We are in a situation in which the Constitutional Court has deprived the authorities of the necessary levers to combat this virus. The state of emergency will end on the 15th. We must guarantee that we will have all the necessary tools at our disposal to be able to continue the work. carried out in the last three months. The fight against the epidemic began before a state of emergency was declared. It is clear that the decision of the Constitutional Court greatly limits the margin of movement and, to have full legitimacy, we decided to write this law “said Ludovic Orban.

By activity sectors, the measures regulated by the law proposed by the government include the fields of economy, health, transport, work, education, sport, culture.

“The bill includes a series of measures, measures to organize the performance of economic activities to protect the health of citizens. The bill has a general part. This is an invoice that addresses the duration of the alert state. It is a flexible project. The substantial part of the project covers sectoral measures in each area. There are measures that are known to public opinion, were published on the MIA website. The project, if approved by the government, will go to Parliament, “he said Cătălin Predoiu, Minister of Justice.

In the field of health, during the alert state, the Ministry of Health coordinates all health units, regardless of whether they are subordinate to local authorities. This also happened during the state of emergency, established in mid-March, so that the new law continues to the extent that the Ministry of Health decides for all public hospitals.

Ziarul Financiar wrote about the importance of centralization at the Ministry of Health level of all hospitals, especially in the context of the health crisis, to clearly establish the need for materials and resources.

The mask becomes mandatory for people who walk in closed public spaces, such as commercial spaces, public transport and work.

Public institutions and authorities must organize the activity in such a way that epidemiological triage is guaranteed, and at the entrance of the institution it is mandatory to disinfect hands.

The prices of medicines, serums, vaccines, disinfectants, but also sanitary protection materials can be limited, as is the case in an emergency.

Also in the law on alert measures, a paragraph was introduced that implies the redistribution to the affected areas of specialized personnel, but also of the equipment and devices necessary to increase response capacity.

According to the authorities, in the first two months since the start of the epidemic in Romania, Suceava County was the most affected and currently has more than 3,200 diseases. The situation in Suceava got out of control, but areas with potential risk also appeared in Hunedoara, Arad, Vrancea. There are ten counties with more than 500 confirmed cases of the new virus.
