Reform of the army, decided by the CSAT, in the context of the military consolidation of Russia in the Black Sea. What the Army 2040 program offers


President Klaus Iohannis and members of the Supreme Council of National Defense (CSAT) established, in Tuesday’s meeting, how the National Strategy of National Defense will be implemented for the period 2020-2024. Thus, the strategy includes three stages: culmination of the Army Modernization Program 2026; implementation of new technologies and reorganization of the Romanian Army for a multidomain action (2032) and completion of the Army 2040 program.

“The members of the Council analyzed and approved a series of documents for the application of the Strategy, among which are its Implementation Plan, Strategic Defense Analysis, Defense White Paper.

The process of preparing the National Defense Strategy Implementation Plan for 2020-2024 also included consultation with institutions with direct or adjacent powers and responsibilities in the field of Romanian national security and was coordinated by the Department of National Security of the Presidential Administration.

A strategic priority of this Implementation Plan aims to ensure the appropriate legal framework, including the review of the legislation aimed at the organization and operation of the main institutions with responsibilities and responsibilities in matters of national security, including the Organization and Operation Law. of the Supreme Defense Council, and continuing with dynamic areas with a high degree of volatility, where modern regulation is needed, such as crisis management or cybersecurity and defense. Thus, the efficiency and modernization of public institutions will be guaranteed, so that they respond better to their tasks and, at the same time, are closer to the needs of the citizens of Romania.

Another priority of the Implementation Plan is to monitor the development of strategies, action plans and other programmatic documents at the sectoral or departmental level, developed by public institutions with responsibilities and responsibilities in the field of national security, according to their own needs, according to the Government Program. , current legislation and Decisions of the Supreme Council of National Defense.

In this context, the Strategic Defense Analysis bases a new conception of the organization, staffing, endowment and training of the Romanian Army, which must have as its fundamental objective the creation of conditions for the fulfillment of constitutional missions. Its objective is to determine the structure and directions of capacity development by 2040.

In order to ensure the continuity and coherence of the process, but also its adaptation to future developments, the document foresees three stages, with measurable objectives: completion of the Army Modernization Program 2026; implementation of new technologies and reorganization of the Romanian army for multidomain actions (2032); culmination of the Army 2040 Program. At the end of each stage, the objectives achieved will be analyzed, as well as the validity and viability of future plans, and the necessary changes will be made.

Defense strategic analysis was carried out through an interdepartmental and inter-institutional approach, at a time when security and defense challenges were gaining ground and the strategic planning processes now underway will influence regional security and defense in the next decades. of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea region, the development of the strategic reflection process at the NATO level, the approval of a new strategy and the adaptation of the position of the Alliance, the start of the process of relocation of forces Americans in Europe, all overlapping press release issued by the Presidential Administration.

According to the cited source, at the end of this process, Army 2040 will be a flexible, multi-field force structure with a wide range of capabilities specific to the 21st century.

“As for the White Paper on Defense, this is a document that allows the implementation of the defense objectives established by the Government Program, to guarantee the security of citizens and the defense of our territory, values ​​and national interests.

At the same time, the Defense White Paper establishes the Military Strategy and the Defense Planning Directive and is conceived in a new strategic paradigm, with the ultimate objective of strengthening the defense and deterrence position, based on five essential elements: capabilities. of high technology; a highly educated and well-trained human resource; a strong national defense industry; develop an institutional culture focused on knowledge and innovation; Resilience

At the end of the meeting, the CSAT members analyzed and approved the assessment of risks, threats and vulnerabilities to national security projected for 2021 ”, the statement also shows.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
