reduces the salaries of the 26 advisers to the board from 16,300 lei to 13,500 net per month. The President of Romania earns 15,000 net lei per month. The names of the counselors are secret


The ASF has a new head this summer, Nicu Marcu, former vice president of the Court of Accounts.

The 26 advisers to the board members of the ASF, the Financial Supervisory Authority, will receive salaries of “only” 13,500 net lei per month on average, after being re-employed as “management experts and directors”, compared to 16,300 lei. net per month. received earlier, ASF sent to Ziarul Financiar, who asked who these advisers are, how they were appointed and how much they are paid. The President of Romania earns 15,000 net lei per month. The average net salary in Romania is 3300 lei.

The current 26 “expert” councilors are simply appointed by the members of the ASF Council, without competition, being a real struggle behind the scenes and political influence to reach these positions.

The members of the ASF Council, that is, those advised by the advisers who have now become “experts”, charge amounts between 5,000 euros (20,000 lei) and 12,000 euros net (60,000 lei) monthly. Each member of the ASF Board is “entitled” to 2-4 directors, depending on executive or non-executive position on the board.

“The reorganization process aimed at simplifying and at the same time making the work apparatus of the cabinets of the members of the Board of the Financial Superintendence more efficient, as a result of which the expenses associated with these organizational structures were reduced on an average of approximately 20% ”. mentions that at the institution level the average net salary is 10,660 lei (2,200 euros). The ASF has a new head this summer, Nicu Marcu, former vice president of the Court of Accounts.

For comparison, the average net salary in the NBR is 8,160 lei per month (1,700 euros), according to calculations made by ZF based on the 2019 report of the National Bank, that is, 55% above the average of the banking system and 2.7 times more than the average salary in the economy. The average monthly net salary in ASF of 10,660 lei is 3.3 times higher than the average net salary in the economy and twice the average net salary of around 5500 lei in the insurance market, the highest of the three supervised markets by this institution. – insurance, private pensions and scholarships.

Neither the lists of the advisers of the ASF Council members nor those of the NBR council members are available on the website of these public institutions, as would be normal.

As information circulates that politicians are installing people as advisers to ASF Council members as a “reward” for supporting the appointment of one or another Council member, ZF requested a list of advisers to Council members from the ASF, whose faculties graduated. and what was your previous work, but did not receive a transparent answer, but an added one.

Lack of transparency masks concern about the RGPD (protection of personal data)

Financial newspaper requested the list of advisers to the ASF Council members, what faculties graduated, what was their previous job, the average monthly net salary as of 2020, when they were appointed, what was the appointment procedure and received the following reply:

“At the level of the Financial Supervisory Authority, a reorganization process was recently carried out, which targeted the 26 advisory posts (including one vacant) in the work apparatus at the level of the offices of the members of the Council of the Authority: The employees who held these positions, until July 31, 2020, were re-employed, with a corresponding reduction in the level of income, in the position of managerial expert and manager (executive positions).

The employees, who held the position of director before the reorganization date, had an average age of approximately 40 years, being graduates of higher education in the following fields: legal (10), economic (9), administrative ( 2), technical (2). ), journalism / communication (2) and with an average seniority in work, within the Financial Supervision Authority, of approximately 3 years.

The form of hiring of all ASF employees, implicitly for cabinet staff, is as provided in the ASF Personnel Recruitment and Selection Policy, a document published on the ASF website at: https: // professional career / hiring policy. Before being hired by the Financial Supervision Authority, the employees who held the advisory positions worked both in public institutions (11) and in the private sector (14).

We specify that we make this data available to you in an aggregated manner, taking into account the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on Protection of Personal Data (RGPD), which does not allow the transmission of this type of information individually. “

ASF returned later, at the insistence of ZF, with the level of the average net salary of the directors and of the entire institution.
