Ready! They also shot down Radu Banciu on B1 TV. What will the journalist do from now on?


The journalist promised in front of his audience that “El mundo de Banciu” will look different in the conditions in which, in 9 years of broadcast, he said things by name and, in the absence of someone who “judges fairly”, he was sanctioned many times.

This is what the director of B1 TV said: “I think we have to have, however, a different approach from what the Romanian press writes, as far as we have gone so far.”

And from now on, let’s focus on the simple things, on the things that most viewers understand and that, in general, people around the world understand.

Let’s have a different approach. For example, tonight you saw that there is a theme in public space, which has really gone up on TV screens, although not much, but it seems more than ever.

On one topic, we consider it sensitive to the general public, but unfortunately it is a topic that, in 2020, to say the end of spring 2020, cannot be discussed on television.

It is not a subject that we can deal with objectively. I will try this tonight, as I will on other nights, in a technical, neutral, as equidistant as possible, disinterested way, because I finally understood, after nine years of broadcasting, that it is the only chance you can still go home, without mentioning the health and safety conditions on the roads, technically.

After nine years of speaking openly on certain topics, I think from now on, starting tonight at least, it is the turn of others to continue with the word, the bar, to see their journalistic focus if it exists somewhere.

As long as freedom of expression doesn’t exist, hasn’t been patented, isn’t homologated, I’m sorry, but no matter what the consequences are and how disappointed people will be or how many won’t follow us, I will. keep it up.

From our point of view, this moment is over, especially since, of course, we are going through a political turning point. (…) In my naivety, I repeat, I thought at one point that there is someone, someone to judge you fairly, there is no “.
