Rapid coronavirus test that can restart the world. What doctor Virgil Musta says about him


Right now, in the coronavirus pandemic, there are three types of tests that detect the SARS-Cov-2 virus. The standard test, PCR-Real Time, is the official one, recommended by the World Health Organization, being in Romania the only one with which a diagnosis can be made and through which a person can be legally quarantined.

It is made up of the nasopharyngeal exudate (the secretion that is collected from inside the nose and throat) and detects the presence of generic viral material. This test can only be carried out by qualified personnel, obtaining the result from the laboratory.

Another option to identify the presence of the SARS-CoV 2 virus is the serological test to determine immunoglobulins – IgG and IgM. It is the so-called test for the detection of antibodies in the blood, which shows that a person has already gone through the infection and has developed immunity.

IgM antibodies can be detected seven days after contact with the virus, and IgG antibodies appear approximately 14 days after infection and can persist for a long time. These rapid tests can be purchased by anyone on the Internet and can also be performed at home without medical assistance.

About a month ago, the third known test for the detection of the SARS-CoV 2 coronavirus entered Romania: the rapid antigen test. It is the test used by countries that have decided to test mass population (Luxembourg, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, some cities in China, etc.).

Antigen tests give fast results, 10-15 minutes, do not need to be sent to the lab, and are much cheaper.

Solution for a normal life

Unlike the antibody test, this test reveals antigens on the surface of the virus. That is, it shows if someone is a carrier of the SARS-Cov2 virus and if they are contagious. It seems to be the best solution for certain segments of our life to return to normal.

Airlines are considering imposing this test. Those who want to travel may be forced to do so and therefore only those with a negative result will be able to board the plane. Likewise, sports competitions may be resumed with the presence of the public in the stands and artistic performances. Everyone who attends the event should be tested so there is no risk that infected people can transmit the virus.

Antigen tests are also not the most accurate, as no medical test can indicate a 100 percent correct result. However, the results can speak volumes, explains Dr. Virgil Musta, head of the COVID department at the “Victor Babeş” Infectious Diseases Hospital in Timişoara.

“The rapid antigen test also entered Romania, about a month ago. It is a test that is performed to detect people who test positive for the SARS-CoV2 virus. The main advantage is that it is performed faster than a PCR, but it is also cheaper. But it also has disadvantages. In terms of sensitivity, the specificity is good, 95 percent, and a sensitivity, also higher than 95 percent, if the viral load is high. On the contrary, if the viral load is low , the sensitivity drops to 70 percent, which means that if the person does not have a very high viral load, so they do not have a very high level of contagion, then the test may be falsely negative. high enough to increase the risk of contamination, then the test will be positive. It is a good way to quickly classify patients, it is used in emergency units, just to have efficiency in the direction number of patients in one compartment or another, COVID or not COVID, said Virgil Musta, for “Adevărul”.

Nose and throat discharge

In the case of urgent patients, as should be the case of all those who perform this rapid test, if the result is positive, a test is performed immediately by PCR-Real Time, for confirmation.

“The antigen test is performed in the same way as in the case of the PCR test, that is, the samples are taken by nasal and pharyngeal exudate, from the nose or throat. Place it on a slide, then insert it into the device. The result comes quickly, in 10-15 minutes. Antigen is a protein in the structure of the virus or pathologist (they can also be microbes, fungi, etc.). The method is not new. Antigens have been detected for a long time. The equipment to detect the SARS-CoV 2 virus is newer, ”added Virgil Musta.

Tests can only be done from the Internet

Antigenic tests, such as those for IgG and IgM antibodies, are available on the Internet. Anyone can request it. They are not found in pharmacies, says Dr. Musta.

“The law does not allow these tests to be sold in pharmacies. There is a national protocol that specifies in which situations this test can be performed, just so that there is no risk of losing control of false cases and situations in which someone must be hospitalized. , but it does not reach the hospital. On the other hand, it is sold on the Internet, but you do not know what test you are taking. There are many false tests, which are not in the sensitivity established by law, there is a risk of obtaining false results. It is very Important and how the test is done, it is not so easy to exudate. The stick must be inserted very deeply into the nose to get a good result. If it is not done correctly, there is a risk that a false result will occur again. understand the meaning of each test.Do not do an antibody test if you want to see if the virus is in your throat and do not do an antigen test when you are interested in seeing if the patient has antibodies. it is good to do it on the recommendation of the doctor ”, also declared Virgil Musta.

A rapid antigen test developed and produced by the Romanian company DSS Diagnostic costs between 100 and 120 lei (a kit with two tests), with promotional prices now, or 180 and 240 lei, at full price. Anyone can order them at online pharmacies, but the product description specifies that the tests are only used by qualified medical personnel.

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