Raluca Turcan pressures the population to get vaccinated: ‘If 60-70% do not, we cannot say that the risk has passed and that the restrictions will be lifted’ – News from sources


Labor Minister Raluca Turcan warned that the measures will not be lifted if 60-70% of the population are not immunized.

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“The first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was administered today to nurse Mihaela Anghel who, 10 months ago, took care of the first confirmed patient in Romania.

The vaccination campaign begins, naturally, with people without whom our health would not be safe. Also in the first stage, the employees of the social centers will be vaccinated, and the administrators of these centers will schedule the residents of the centers for the second stage. In the case of beneficiaries, mobile vaccination teams will be organized to travel to administer the vaccine in the respective places.

Yesterday the first 10,000 doses of vaccine arrived in the country and, weekly, around 140,000 doses will arrive. Romania will benefit from approximately 10 million doses of vaccine, and the number of vaccines is sufficient for all those who opt for immunization.

Also read: Streinu Cercel EXPLAINED how the vaccine works: ‘It is not about convincing someone to get vaccinated. Do you want to get vaccinated? Okay! You will not do it? Okay!’

I’d like to ask you to think about the next topic, in addition to this organizational information. Vaccination, along with compliance with sanitary measures, is the sure way to get our life back to normal. But we must be aware of one thing: if 60-70 percent of the population is not immunized, we cannot say that the risk has passed and that the restrictions will be lifted.

The vaccine was tested in more than 40 thousand people, before being approved by all the competent medical forums: the European Medicines Agency and the National Medicines Agency. The vaccine went through all the necessary testing phases and was approved so quickly because the bureaucratic steps were sped up, not the doctors. This vaccine prevents disease, prevents SARS VOC 2 infection, or limits a severe form of the disease. This unfortunate coronavirus is so unpredictable and evolves so differently from person to person, and now it can be prevented. I ask those who still have doubts: why not use this tool, which is the vaccine? If all the clinical tests were done, if specialists, epidemiologists and others do it, why wouldn’t the rest of us do it? We finally have a solution to take our lives back as we knew them.

Also read: Varujan Vosganian ARRANGES the vaccine ceremony: ‘The communists were little children against the holiday and the propaganda caused by the fight against COVID’

I will get vaccinated. When it’s my turn The national information platform on vaccination against COVID-19 – Rovaccinare: www.vaccinare-covid.gov.ro provides all the information necessary for everyone to make the right decision, “said Raluca Turcan on his Facebook page.
