Raluca Turcan and Vlad Voiculescu did more harm than good. They discredited the government


Cristian Tudor Popescu commented on Digi24 the publications in which the ministers Vlad Voiculescu and Raluca Trucan were captured. The two dignitaries were photographed without masks, and this “did more damage to the idea of ​​authority and respect for authority” than the protests against the mask and restrictions, says the journalist. “There is no justification for such a thing,” says CTP.

Cristian Tudor Popescu: This is what the rulers are doing … I have seen these street movements that have tried to destroy, to discredit the current government, because they have been directed against the current government and even some people in this government.

The question is: Who has most effectively achieved this discredit? These same people who took to the streets, or even the rulers, many of them, in the eyes of the people?

So who did the most damage to the idea of ​​authority and respect for authority? They themselves from the street, or Mr. Vlad Voiculescu? Or Mrs. Raluca Turcan appearing without a mask?

CTP: There is no justification for that

It doesn’t matter what justifications they came up with! There is no justification for such a thing. I do not mind.

When you are a minister, you put a mask on your face and when you sleep, you sleep at night. I exaggerate, to understand that the message that a man in such a position of responsibility should give must always be stronger than that of the simple citizen. Or, by doing what they did, they and others, over time, in government, have discredited much more than these bastards who took to the streets managed to achieve.

This is the problem.
