Rafila, attack on Tataru: If he had been Minister of Health, he would have traveled the country less, on work visits. I don’t think it’s time for business visits


Rafila also considers that the Public Health Directorates should have been reorganized in the summer, criticizing that at the national level “there are still directors of health departments who are not doctors or are doctors who have never had a relationship with this area in their lives. public health “.

“I would have done something different and now we are entering a level, if you will, half professional and half political. First of all, I would have traveled the country less, on work visits, I don’t think it’s time for work visits. For the moment, it must be done at the level of the Ministry of Health – in fact I proposed it, I tell you when, in April – an Operational Center with very clear responsibilities for the Minister of Health, secretaries of state, the correlation of these people who should head an activity as follows: a person in charge of public health, a person in charge of medical care, a person in charge of logistics. Every day there should be operational meetings to assess the situation on the ground and an allocation of resources and needs for each of the country’s municipalities. Unfortunately, this is not happening ”, declared Alexandru Rafila in a program broadcast on Saturday by Digi 24.

He affirms that it seems “absolutely inexplicable” that the organization chart of the Ministry of Health does not have specialists in public health.

“The organization chart of the Ministry of Health, after the change that occurred not so long ago, does not contemplate, it seems absolutely inexplicable, the word public health does not appear, so we have a great public health emergency, we have a health system that is integrated by the National Institute and the Public Health Directorates, and the correspondent of these structures in the territory does not exist in the Ministry of Health. It is a subject that, honestly, I do not understand ”, Alexandru Rafila also pointed out.

He also criticized the fact that in recent months no measures have been taken that lead to the situation in which all the Public Health Directorates in the country are led by professionals.

“Let’s be honest: there is a lack of coordination and a lack of qualified human resources. In summer, I think the management of the Public Health Directorates could have been rethought, so that in each county and in Bucharest the DSPs are run by qualified people who know how public health is organized, how public health works. We still have health directors who are not doctors or are doctors who have never had any connection with this area of ​​public health in their lives, “said Alexandru Rafila. He stated that it does not generalize and that there may be people in the DSP who are “in the right place”, but that training would have been needed for the 42 leaders of the Public Health Directorates, so that these institutions “act” extremely unitary “.

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