Raed Arafat, the hot potato in the new government. Will it be changed or not?


Raed Arafat is perhaps the most controversial secretary of state within the Interior Ministry. The head of the Emergency Situations Department seems to be part of any government that comes to Romania.

Dr. Raed Arafat has an impressive resume. He knows no less than six foreign languages ​​and the 17-page document shows his work from the year he finished medicine.

From the CV we remember that he does not have or had political affiliation. Instead, it has many scientific distinctions and titles.

He specializes in emergency medicine, has courses in medical and war triage, intervention in chemical accidents, and civil medical emergencies.

He graduated from the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj Napoca, Romania with a degree in General Medicine and a European Master in Disaster Medicine.

From January 29, 2014 to the present, he holds the position of Secretary of State, Head of the Department of Emergency Situations – Ministry of the Interior and has the main responsibilities:

* Coordinate the activity of the Emergency Situations Department

* Coordinate the activity of the General Inspection of Emergency Situations

* Coordinates the activity of the General Aviation Inspection for emergency management operations.

*. Operatively coordinates the activity of the county ambulance services, respectively
Bucharest, UPU / CPU, as well as Salvamont utilities

* Operatively coordinates, in emergency situations, the activity of the prefects

Previously, between December 2012 and January 2014, he was Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health.

For two months, between October 2014 and December 2014, he was Minister of Health.

How lucky is Raed Arafat

From the patrimonial declaration of the head of the Department of Emergency Situations Raed Arafat, Secretary of State of the Ministry of the Interior of Palestinian nationality and Romanian citizenship, we learn that he has an apartment in Ilfov and a house in Palestine, the latter being a family heirloom .

Arafat has two checking accounts at ING. One in euros and one in lei. And one savings.
You have several other accounts open at various banks, but they remained unused.

In his wealth declaration, Raed Arafat also approved his salary. So we learned that he is paid so much for his activity at the Ministry of the Interior, but he is also a professor at various universities.

Raed Arafat was born on May 26, 1964 in Damascus, Syria, but grew up in the city of Nablus, in the northern West Bank. There, along with other colleagues, he set up a first aid team, in which he highlighted his passion for emergency medicine. In 1981, at the age of 16, he emigrated to Romania to study medicine.

Scandals about Raed Arafat

The head of DSU is an extremely controversial character, his name was linked to several scandals, over time, but each time he managed to get rid of the accusations.

The most recent scandal over Arafat’s name was in November, when Traian Basescu launched an attack on the head of DSU, saying that in a crisis situation, ISU needs to have a clear head.

Basescu: Arafat is very good at red-painted rescue acquisitions. For crisis action, ISU needs to have a clear head

Former President Traian Basescu affirmed that the ISU, the militarized structure, has as its fundamental objective “the efficiency of prevention and emergency management actions”, which in the Covid-19 pandemic, as in other situations, turned out to be under the coordination of Raed Arafat. “Arafat is very good at acquiring red-painted rescuers or for the role of spokesperson and television image. To act in a crisis situation, ISU needs to have a clear head.”

He was referring to the fact that six patients died in Timisoara.

Arafat specified that in this case no help was requested to find a place (s) in ATI, in the Timisoara area, nor was there any information about it.

We emphasize that the transfer between two health units can be done without the participation of CNCCI or DSU, a situation that happened in Timisoara, where the responsibility had to focus on communicating the two hospitals, and then notifying ISU Timis and Timis Ambulance Service , to take charge and transport patients from one health unit to another.

At the same time, in this way we want to remind both the public and Mr. Traian Basescu, former President of Romania, the repercussions of the decision to cut wages in 2010-2011, in the medical sector, although the then Minister of Health and The Undersecretary of State has repeatedly warned that this decision could presage an exodus of specialists, ATI residents, emergencies, radiology, etc., a situation that has happened, witnessing a massive shortage of specialized medical personnel, with what today, in 2020, we face it, ”Raed Arafat said on Facebook at the time.

Arafat also spoke about the Apuseni, Siutghiol and Colectiv cases.

The Apuseni case – 2014
After the tragedy in Apuseni, Aura Ion’s family filed a criminal complaint against Arafat.

The criminal action was motivated by the fact that Raed Arafat requested intervention with a SMURD helicopter, although he knew, according to the defenders of the Aura Ion family, that he did not have the necessary equipment to intervene at night and in foggy conditions.

“In 2014, at the time of the tragic plane crash, we remind you that the Department for Emergency Situations does not exist, and Dr. Raed Arafat held the position of Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health, having no competence to solve location problems Further, Dr. Raed Arafat was not in the country at the time, and over the years, including today, some media and other public figures have continued the series of misinformation. even if after the decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice by final judgment, it proved that Dr. Raed Arafat is NOT guilty.

As a result of the tragic event, today, through the Department of Emergency Situations and the permanent consolidation of the integrated emergency system, the institutions with a role in emergency management, in a coordinated manner, have prepared in recent years to save to citizens, the proof is the hundreds of exercises, interventions, where with the common support of IGSU, the General Inspection of Aviation, Salvamont managed to save people in extremely delicate situations, in missions, the most complex ”, is shown in the DSU facebook page. .

The Siutghiol case – 2015

After this accident, the president of the Constanta City Council accuses Arafat of changing the destination of the helicopter and removing its floats.

Wrecked SMURD helicopter Arafat: if found responsible, I will resign

“In 2015, Raed Arafat, after the tragic event in Constanta, as reported by some media but also by certain public figures, was” guilty “that the emergency system led by the head of DSU failed to save the victims from Lake Siutghiol.

SMURD helicopter crashed into lake: Nicusor Constantinescu, new accusations for Arafat

This time, prosecutors archive the case after five years, concluding that the possible culprits are no longer alive. But even so, right at the moment of announcing the sentence, the accusations and denigrations continued, which is happening even today, ”DSU showed.

SMURD helicopter crashed into lake: Nicusor Constantinescu accuses Arafat of lying

The collective case – 2015

In 2015, after the tragic fire of the Colectiv club, both the head of DSU and the IGSU are responsible for the “chaotic mode of intervention”.

Victims and relatives of the dead of the Collective await Arafat at the Prosecutor’s Office: We are here to fight to the end!

In this regard, several clarifications were given, including interviews with specialists who explained the intervention on the night of October 30, 2015, such as Kobi Peleg, professor of disaster management at Tel Aviv University and director of the National Center for Medicine in Tel Aviv. Trauma and Disasters in Israel, Henry Jullien, physician, reserve general, ATI specialist, president of the French Society for Disaster Medicine, but also Ian Cameron, journalist, producer, news editor with more than 35 years of experience in the BBC, expert in risk communication and media within NATO “, shows the DSU communication.

Raed Arafat, upset and disoriented because the relatives of the victims of #Colectiv are suing him: I’m afraid of an earthquake

He also said that the attacks are of a political nature and that the Department of Emergency Situations is categorically delimited by this factor, establishing and existing DSU and focused on rescuing citizens, in particular on preventing, sensitizing and rescuing communities in emergency situations. speed up.

What will happen to Arafat?

Due to his position as Secretary of State, Raed Arafat cannot easily be removed from office. Under the law, he can only be removed by the prime minister.

“The prime minister can only change it at the proposal of the minister. I think it is only a political backstage where it is decided whether or not to remain in this position,” explained Cosmin Andreica, head of the Europol Union.

According to Article 15 of Law No. 90 of March 26, 2001, relating to the organization and functioning of the Romanian Government and the ministries, “The Prime Minister appoints and removes from office:
a) The leaders of the specialized bodies subordinate to the Government, except for persons who have the quality of member of the Government, according to art. 3 par. (1);
b) the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary Generals of Government, in case of exercising these functions;
c) personnel within the prime minister’s work apparatus;
d) secretaries of state;
e) other persons who hold public office, in the cases provided by law “.

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