Raed Arafat Announces He Will Appeal Court Decision To Overrule DSU Order Regarding Timisoara Quarantine


DSU chief Raed Arafat stated that he will appeal the decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal that annulled the order that the quarantine in Timișoara was extended for 72 hours. He also said that he signed that order because it represented the opinion of the specialists, which was not taken into account at the political level.

“The decision is not final. We still have the HCCJ. It also happened that something was overturned in the Court of Appeal and won in the Superior Court.

He said he would appeal the decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal.

“The reason why I decided to sign the temporary order is because it was the first time, something unprecedented, that an emergency committee questioned and forced itself even against the recommendation of the health authorities and people who are not in the field and with questions in which I participated the day before in a very serious debate with the people who participated in that meeting. Questions were asked to which I answered and explained the situation in Timisoara. Not well. Doctors from Timișoara entered with us in videoconference, doctors who are from hospitals and specialists in the field and explained that the situation is very serious in Timișoara and that they can no longer cope.

When I saw on Saturday that it is being discussed that we do not need to quarantine and find other smart solutions but that no one puts these smart solutions on the table, that no one thinks they know what these smart solutions are in a crisis situation at that time in Timisoara. So my decision was not to lose the 14 days that still passed, and I extended it by three days to give the world time to think and the Committee to meet again to find a solution. The commission met again and made the decision to extend, with two-thirds of the votes, and it was extended until next Thursday, ”said the head of DSU.

Asked if he would re-sign a quarantine order like the one in the Timisoara case, he said he wants to see the motivation, because if “the motivation is in a procedural aspect that we can correct, there is no problem.”

“If the decision itself is challenged, I’ll want to see what the appeals court says. Of course, what has happened now reduces the possibility of being able to do this, until we have a final decision and until we see if this can be used. So far, this was the only time we have used this way of working. If I had to go back in time, I think I would make the same decision. The intention was to protect, not confront the population and the authorities, “says Arafat.

The secretary of state specified that he also consulted with the prime minister before signing the order.

At the same time, Raed Arafat commented on the statement by Timiș County Council Chairman Alin Nica, who asked him to apologize to the people of Timișoara regarding the decision to quarantine the city.

“I think that the whole show that took place in Timișoara on this topic is an example of the way in which several times during this pandemic we got into topics that we should not get into and topics so that everyone comes with opinions that They have nothing to do with public health, only to appear and say that “look, I defend the interests of the people”, which, in reality, from our point of view is not a defense of the interests of the people.

When you have so many experts who tell you that in Timișoara the situation is not good and you are the man out of the question alive and you insist that all these people are not right, the problem I don’t know if it is for experts or for someone. that it has some power to influence but is not scientifically correct, because it is not in the field.

Just look at the economics. They are very important, but there is a saying in the United States: “If you don’t order biology, you don’t order economics.” If you don’t solve the problem of biology during the pandemic, the economy will suffer. These measures did not have a major impact on work activities, since they were allowed to go to work under some conditions, activities were allowed under some conditions, ”the official also stated.

The Bucharest Court of Appeal on Friday struck down the order by which DSU chief Raed Arafat extended restrictions in Timişoara between March 22 and 24, after the CJSU Timiș voted against the quarantine of the city.

Timiș County Council President Alin Nica reacted to this decision and reported that the DSU order “was a dangerous precedent and intimidation of CJSU members”. “The people of Timișoara are waiting and deserve the apologies of Raed Arafat and those who supported his unfair and illegal decision at the local level,” Nica also wrote on Facebook.

However, Timișoara has been in quarantine since Wednesday, after this measure was extended for 7 days, following the vote in the Timiș County Committee for Emergency Situations.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
