Raed Afarat acknowledges the DISASTER: The fight with COVID-19, sadly, we lost. As things evolve, let’s reach the index of 3 in the Capital – News by sources


The Secretary of State for the Interior Ministry, Raed Arafat, declared that “it is very clear” that the COVID-19 contagion rate of 3 per thousand inhabitants will be reached in the Capital, and in this case, restaurants, cinemas and cinemas they will close and it is “possible” for students to take classes online. Arafat added that the fight with Covid was lost, according to news.ro.

As things evolve, reaching index 3, in the Capital, is very clear. All the rules that were foreseen in the Government Decision will apply. restaurants closed, no more theater activities, no more movie activities. Of course, the mask becomes mandatory in all public spaces, so there is no differentiation between crowded space and non-crowded space, in all spaces the mask is mandatory. These are the basic rules in this situation. When we cross the threshold from 3 to a thousand and we hope that the population understands and respects why health systems have their limits, not only in Romania, ”Raed Arafat told Digi24 on Friday night.

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As for schools, they could switch to the red stage, where students will learn online.

“It is possible to take this into account, but it remains to be discussed with the Ministry of Health, with the Ministry of Education,” Arafat explained.

The Secretary of State specified that the effects of the measures will be seen in 1-2 weeks.

Raed Arafat also said that the fight with COVID-19 was lost and that hospitals could be reorganized, as happened in the spring, at the beginning of the pandemic.

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“The fight with COVID-19, unfortunately we lost it. Especially because it is a pressure on the medical system from various points of view, not only on the capacity, but also on the people who work in the system. We will come to a time when that patients will no longer be able to be transferred to designated Covid hospitals, but will remain in the hospitals where they are located and will be treated in the respective hospitals where circuits must be created at the level of Intensive Care, at the level of other departments, other patients. And right now we have patients who are being treated in hospitals that are not designated as Covid because we cannot transfer immediately, but we transfer in a few hours or the next day. Miss at some point we will have to prepare clearly and the system must be prepared and the Ministry of Health has instructed the entire health system that at some point we will begin to keep patients and n non-Covid rooms and we may be able to reach base, again, to reduce the capacity of elective cases. In fact, what we prepared at the beginning of the pandemic and fortunately did not happen then and our decisions later became the object of criticism and ridicule, now we are facing it and it is clear that some decisions, we can make them, go back to what I made then in March, but I adapted to the current situation. the most important measures were on the health system and I mean it, ”Arafat also declared.
