Radical decision in France. Emmanuel Macron proposes that the example be followed in Europe


France’s decision to end the season in national football due to the coronavirus pandemic could have a ripple effect.

Emmanuel Macron’s proposal: the final stop of the European championships

President Emmanuel Macron he wants there to be harmonization at the European level regarding the stopping of national championships, he writes The Parisian, quoted by Agerpres.

If this is not possible across the continent, Macron would like to see a consensus in at least the top five European leagues: England, Spain, Italy and Germany, along with France.

Roxana Mărăcineanu, meetings with her European counterparts. Italy could follow France

With this in mind, the Parisian publication adds: Roxana Mărăcineanu, the French sports minister, has started bilateral meetings with his European counterparts, already arguing with Italians and Germans, and on Thursday he will be able to have a conversation on this subject with the Spanish minister who occupies the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

These bilateral talks seem to be paying off. Therefore, the Italian Minister of Sport, Vincenzo Spadaforasaid on Wednesday that “The decisions that other countries will make, like France, could force Italy to follow the same line, which could become a European line.”

On Friday, Italian football will meet to discuss the issue, while on Thursday, the German chancellor Angela Merkel He will also decide, after a meeting with the leaders of the Länder, on the continuation or, who has already resumed his training, writes Le Parisien.

The Spanish and the Germans, at the opposite pole.

Until now, only Italians would like to do the same as France. At the opposite pole, the Spanish and the Germans are at least preparing to resume training.

According to Kicker, quoted by news.ro, the professional league in Germany would begin player testing for Sars-CoV-2 on Thursday in order to resume team training.

Reuters points out that the same will happen among Spanish players, starting next week.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced last Saturday that athletes could resume their work outdoors, individually and under certain conditions, from May 2.

Tags: France , emmanuel macron , roxana maracineanu , coronavirus , covid-19
