Radauti Bermuda Triangle. How the man accused of killing four women managed to fool everyone for 25 years! | Freedom


Journalists from the local press called Vasile Lavric the “women’s eater”. The story of the Rădăuţi car mechanic and the women who disappeared from his yard is a complicated one, full of social silence, indifference from authorities and strangers.

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Bermuda Triangle of Rădăuţi.  How the man accused of killing four women managed to fool everyone for 25 years!
Vasile Lavric

“My human authority warms me,” Vasile Lavric told me in 2013. He was one of my contacts as a journalist in this terrible case.

The man had called the program “Disappeared without a trace,” upset that the story of the Iordache sisters was going to be broadcast on TVR. “I look for them, their mother doesn’t look for them. She just wants to put me in jail,” he said.

A month later, Lavric posted an ad on Facebook offering a reward of 300 euros for finding Nicoleta, one of the missing women, who, according to him, was last seen in a market in Italy. But 7 years have passed since then and no one has met Nicoleta, only to receive Lavric’s reward.

He denigrated the victims, said they fled the world for fun and was tormented with the children. The careless and kind auto mechanic doesn’t seem capable of killing. Rather, they … That’s what the people around him have thought for 25 years. And the police.

Sentenced to rape and widower at 36

Vasile Lavric got married for the first time at the age of 18. He had two children and then went to the army, and was soon convicted of rape.

“I was young, do you understand?” He explained to TVR in 2007. That same year, he told journalists from Ieşeanul that “actually, it was not a rape, but the shame of the parents, that’s what the girl”.

He received three years in prison and his wife filed for divorce. A few years later, the woman would die in a car accident.

After getting out of jail, Lavric was hired at a factory in Radauti. Here he met Cristina, his second wife. She had two children with her, but in January 1993, the woman died of a heart attack. “A sinister image, with her in the coffin, now hangs on a nail, on the wall of Vasile’s house,” wrote the inhabitants of Ieşeanul in 2007.

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The Iordache family lived across the street from Lavric’s home and had 10 children. And a month after Lavric was widowed, the first of Iordache’s sisters entered his life: Nicoleta. “I needed someone to help me with the children, to make my food, to do the cleaning,” he explained.

The first missing, a 16-year-old girl

Nicoleta was only 18 years old. “It was a harmony with us, they came all day, we grilled,” Lavric described the relationship. But after two years, the harmony was shattered.

Rădăuţi Bermuda Triangle.  How the man accused of killing four women managed to fool everyone for 25 years!
Nicoleta was only 18 years old

In June 1995, Iuliana, Nicoleta’s sister, disappeared. The girl was only 16 years old. “I saw her when she got on Vasile’s minibus,” says Cornelia Iordache, the mother of the two girls. “I said maybe I speak like brothers-in-law, I didn’t realize it. But I haven’t seen her since that day! ”

The woman says that after two weeks she went and reported the disappearance to the police, but her complaint was not registered. Today, the Romanian police officially claim that the disappearance of Iuliana Iordache was reported only in 2018!

But in May 2005, prosecutors were investigating “the disappearance of three women (sisters),” and in October 2006, a deputy from Suceava asked the then Interior Minister, on behalf of Cornelia Iordache, for clarification about the disappearance of their 3 daughters. , the first 11 years ago, cases not clarified until now ”.

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These disappearances were reported to the Rădăuţi Municipal Police, but it is clear from the petitioner’s reports that she received no response and was treated inappropriately by the notified police forces.

Interpellation of the deputy Aurel Olărean:

Letters from abroad with the Rădăuţi stamp

Most likely, in the case of Iuliana, the Rădăuţi police only opted for the option of voluntary departure and did not investigate other leads, even though it involved the disappearance of a 16-year-old boy.

Rădăuţi Bermuda Triangle.  How the man accused of killing four women managed to fool everyone for 25 years!
Iordache Iuliana Ileana

In 1996, the Iordache family began to receive letters signed by Iuliana, in which they told them that she had gone abroad. “She sent me letters for about 2 years, she told me she would come, that she was married … But it was not her writing,” says Cornelia Iordache.

However, the police had no experience in graphology. They also failed to note that, although the missing girl announced that she was abroad, all envelopes had “only the stamp of the Rădăuți post office”, as stated in Decision 330/2015 of the Suceava Court of Appeal.

Exactly the tactic was used in the case of the kidnapping of Alexandra Măceșanu, when Dincă contacted the family, saying that the girl has gone abroad.

Vasile Lavric denied all the time that he had anything to do with Iuliana’s disappearance, claiming that he did not even know the girl.

12-year-old sister is sexually abused

Two years had passed since his disappearance. In February 1997, after Nicoleta became pregnant, Lavric married her.

Rădăuţi Bermuda Triangle.  How the man accused of killing four women managed to fool everyone for 25 years!
Iordache Ramona

But in the spring of 1999, she set her sights on another girl in the Iordache family: Ramona, who was only 12 years old.

In January 2000, Ramona gave birth to a boy. He refused to say who his father was and left home, moving into a rented apartment where he continued to see Lavric.

Nicoleta found out, and on the morning of November 2, 2000, she reproached her husband for his relationship with Ramona.

He hit them on the head with a hammer and the police did not take the evidence!

They got into a fight, and the man took a hammer with which he began to beat her. One of the children, who witnessed the incident, walked quickly and called Nicoleta’s mother. “She was lying on the ground and bleeding from her head,” says Cornelia Iordache, and Lavric was next to Nicoleta, “and told her it was going to happen.”

The woman was lucky then, because she covered her head with her hand and defended herself from the blows, but she arrived at the hospital with an open skull fracture. Doctors told police they went to Lavric’s home.

After seeing the room full of blood, the law enforcement officers did not stop to take pictures or look for the hammer, “they said they were going to the hospital, then they will come back,” says Cornelia Iordache.

But in the meantime, Lavric’s mother came into the house “and cleaned up.” When the police returned, there was no blood in the house. Only on a pillow, which I remember being photographed. ”

Nicoleta filed for divorce and then disappeared

Lavric denies ever hitting his wife. She says that “I threw the bottle of vodka at her and hit her on the head,” and that she “slipped and hit her head on the edge of the stove.” But doctors determined that the woman had multiple blows to the skull.

The judicial bodies did not investigate the crime at the time of its commission.

Judgment 330/2015 of the Suceava Court of Appeals:

Nicoleta stayed at Lavric’s house. But on April 4, 2005, he went to the Radauti Court and filed for divorce. And four days later, the woman would disappear without a trace.

On the morning of April 9, 2005, says Nicoleta’s mother, one of the children approached her and said that “my mother never came home. My father took her last night and they went to see Ramona, and the last time I spoke to her on the phone he told me that they were in the forest, on a path that could not be reached ”.

The police did not check Lavric

Cornelia Iordache went to the Rădăuţi police on the same day. And although there was a disappearance under suspicious circumstances, the police did not conduct any searches after speaking with Lavric.

“Given that the allegedly disappeared person left his home voluntarily after the disputes with her husband, Mr. Vasile Lavric, extensive investigations were initiated, hearings of people, especially those around him, were held. specific to the local investigation, and the disappearance was disclosed in the local press ”, announced in October 2006 the then Minister of the Interior, Vasile Blaga.

Lavric said that that night he took his wife to show her where Ramona had moved and she stayed there, in the Hipodrom neighborhood of Radauti. Nicoleta told me that just as I made my life and had fun with Ramona, she will too. I haven’t seen her since, “Lavric said, accusing her of leaving the house with” gold. ”

After two months, Ramona disappears.

Two days after Nicoleta’s disappearance, Ramona moved into Lavric’s house, taking her sister’s place entirely.

One day, “my sister Ramona ran away from Lavric and ran to the police,” reveals Alexandra Iordache, in a post on Facebook. As the police officer who spoke to her said, (she was “burned with a cigarette all over her body, bruised, crying terribly and saying something about murder”, then Lavric came in and took it from under this gentleman’s eyes . “.

Ramona was also due to disappear on Sunday, June 26, 2005. Prosecutors from the Attorney General’s Office say that she had threatened Lavric with reporting him to the judiciary.

Cornelia Iordache now had three missing daughters from around Lavric. Desperate because the Rădăuţi police did not help her, the woman began sending memoirs everywhere. The investigation was taken over by the IJP Suceava Criminal Investigation Service, and prosecutors opened a case in rem for murder.

TO CONTINUE: The stuttering of the authorities continues. How Lavric was investigated in 2005 and when his fourth wife disappeared.

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