Quail Egg Cure: Contraindications and nutritional information – Diet & Fitness> Diet


If chicken eggs have long enjoyed an undeservedly negative reputation, being subject to preconceptions, it is a generally accepted opinion that quail eggs are one of the healthiest and tastiest foods.

But is quail egg cure as beneficial as you think? On the other hand, when exactly is too much? Today we tell you what are the contraindications of a quail egg cure, how many delicacies you can eat and what positive effects you can expect!
Quail Egg Cure: Nutrition Facts

Before learning about the quail egg cure and its contraindications, let’s take a look at the nutritional content of this food.

We have good news: Quail eggs include some of the most beneficial vitamins, especially D, which we know is difficult to obtain.

Compared to chicken egg, quail egg wins directly! It has eight times more iron, five times more phosphorous, six times more vitamin B1, and 15 times more vitamin B12. Along with these nutritional reference values, quail egg also includes high-quality protein, but also the necessary vitamins A, B, D, E, as well as precious minerals such as zinc, potassium, sulfur, and calcium.

Regarding the nutritional information for every 100 grams of quail eggs, these are the values ​​to which you should pay attention:

– quail eggs contain 158 calories;
– the fat content is as follows: in total, 100 g of quail eggs contain 11 g of fat, respectively 16% of RDA – recommended daily dose (of which 3.6 g of saturated fat, 1.3 g of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat 4.3 g).
– 100 g of quail eggs have 844 mg of cholesterol, respectively 281% of RDA;
– the minerals are distributed as follows: 141 mg of sodium (5% of RDA) and 132 mg of potassium (3% of RDA), together with the following percentages of calcium (6% of RDA), iron (20% ) and magnesium (3%);
– quail eggs also contain 13 g of protein, which corresponds to 26% RDA;
– As for vitamins, this is how the content is distributed: vitamin A (10% of RDA), vitamin D (13%), vitamin B-6 (10%), vitamin B-12 (26%).

Quail Egg Cure: 9 Benefits to Remember

The above diagram of the nutritional content of quail eggs clearly indicates that we are dealing with a food superstar. And this idea will be reinforced by listing the benefits for a quail egg cure. Here are the most important! Read the rest on Divahair.ro
