Putin praised the Russian vaccine, but did not. Sputnik V is still in testing, 2-3 months after other vaccines


President rus Vladimir Putin made in august a bomb ad – first vaccine revealed against the new coronavirus in the world, aimed at help Russia to get out faster pandemicme. Even now, however, when the country faces the second wave of the pandemic, the vaccine SputnikV it is not widely available and clinical trials that should demonstrate its efficacy have not been completed, CNN reports.

Small that is very secretbone as for his family, then announced that one of his daughters was already vaccinated in clinical trials from the early stages, and that I felt “good” for underscore safetya vaccine.

But vaccine was approved after being tested only on a few dozen people, before the studies clinical of doesAA third, which are essential to establish its safety and efficacy, attracting criticism of cinternational humanity. Little was accused of seeking political capital through this ad.

Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute that developed the vaccine, said in an interview for CNN said 17,000 people participated in the phase 3 studies, but acknowledged that so far only 6,000 have received both doses necessary to complete the vaccination.

The vaccine is indicated for people between 18 and 60 years old, according to the instructions. of use, because large-scale studies have not been conducted in other age groups. But despite this, Gintsburg said that Y People over 60 years they can be vaccinated.

International Virology Experts Question Russia’s Safety Claims vaccine. “People who have been immunized with this vaccine will not know if they will be protected or will develop a serious disease until When not drink the virus, ”Konstantin Chumakov, one of the network’s leading virologists, told CNN. GRAMlobale for VIrus.

Pbetween ais I need to immunizethese lots of people and wait until they get infected, to see what happens. There is nothing to replace clinical trialsAdded.

For comparison, as of October 26, BioNTech-Pfizer reported enrolling 42,113 participants in the phase 3 study in the United States for its prototype vaccine, and 35,771 people have already received the second dose.

Moderna, the first company to begin phase 3 clinical trials in the United States for a COVID vaccine, said 25,650 people received the second dose, out of about 30,000 study participants.

The Russian vaccine “is probably two or three months ago.” Moderna and Pfizer practically finished vaccinating the participants and are now in the observation phase of the incidence of disease in people in the placebo group and those immunized with the vaccine, ”Chumakov said.

The rapid development and approval of Sputnik V, explains on the other hand The Gamaleya Institute was possible because it is based on two of the vaccinations its previous ones, for Ebola and MERS. The vaccine anti-Ebola, Gintsburg said, has been approved for studies in Guinea in just 2,000 people.

Chumakov notes that none of these vaccines have been fully licensed by international bodies or tested enough to say Yes it is effective and safe, and the Russian vaccineEsc against the Ebola virus was tried only in Guinea.

This special institute has developed single various vaccine prototypes, I wouldn’t call them vaccines. I don’t think this institute has developed a vaccine in the last 30 years. They are very buni in prototyping, but I don’t think they have experience bringing products to market“, He said Chumakov.

MEIn addition, there is the problem of vaccine production. Russia’s estimates of the ability to mass produce the vaccine vary widely depending on who Respond to the questions.

In July, the director of Russia’s Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev, said that the sovereign wealth fundnorth It plans to produce more than 30 million doses by the end of 2020. But Russia’s Trade and Industry Minister Denis Manturov said earlier this month that these figures were “impossible.”

To have 30 million doses by the end of the year is impossible, it’s stupidManturov said in an interview with Bloomberg TV.

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce did not provide CNN with the number of doses products So far, however, he said the goal is to increase production to 300,000 doses by the end of October and 2.3 million by the end of the year.

Gintsburg to said that Russia could produce around 5 million doseper month until December, which will allow obtaining sufficient doses to vaccinate 70% of the population country in about a year.

But if Russia does not grow significantly ability to productivelye, cu 5 million doses per month will be able to produce about 60 million doses in that time, which means that it will be able to effectively vaccinate about 30 million people with both doses, out of more than 146 million Russians. .

Athis, provided Russia has more than 1.5 million cases by COVID-19 and at least 26,269 deaths.

And while he praised the vaccine’s effectiveness, Putin has yet to do so. A spokesperson told CNN that the Kremlin chief was still thinking.

Editing: Monica Bonea
