Putin: mat şah | German wave


No one has so far defeated and punished the Tsarist mobster like Alexei Navalny. Who called his hit man, posing as assistant to the head of the Russian Security Council.

The facts

Which prompted the secret man of the FSB (KGB) to do everything possible. He revealed by phone the names and details of Noviciok’s chemical weapons of mass destruction attempt against Putin’s main opponent by at least eight FSB agents. The poison had been applied to Navalny’s panties. He had been rescued by the pilot who decided to stop flying to Moscow and landed in Omsk, as well as by the doctors who received him before the substance took effect.

What makes tyrants and their security guards falter on December 21 and 22? Why is it obviously bad for dictators? Exactly 31 years after Ceausescu, Putin is taking it easy. Proudly as he was, the Moscow leader had recently tried to apologize, saying that his secret services would not have missed their goal if he had wanted to kill Navalny. Well, I would! Even the best are wrong. And its only good ones are not.

Beyond the fact that fools have tried to commit assassinations with a substance they really do not master, the stupidity of Putin’s Kaghebi servants is now documented, thanks to the cunning of Ulysses de Navalny, more convincing than ever. Putin and his criminals were ridiculed. What is ruining them is not any trace of prestige they may have had, but also their authority. Which makes the revealed czar and the mob whose buttons he operates on even more dangerous.

Post-mortem reactions

Russian propaganda has been sent to deny that the recording of the telephone conversation “exposing” the crime and exposing the perpetrators was “faked”, but the perplexity of the elders of the Russian state is obvious. Also, the collapse of its agents of influence. Which must come down to lamenting any firm attitude by Germany and the West towards Moscow as “ineffective.”

For their part, Russian officials said they were investigating. In fact, I go from corner to corner. His vertigo will continue, until the propaganda chief comes up with a narrative apt to sow confusion, and the chief, and at the same time the supreme culprit, will be half consumed by his colossal defeat, his nausea, spite, and anger have cooled, and he will have passed. to redeeming revenge.

And his anger must be apocalyptic. The extraordinary dimensions of the Russian leader’s anger are based on an extremely difficult reality to digest. For the FSB and, implicitly, for Putin, the disaster is total. To hide his shame, the leader in Moscow summoned several diplomatic representatives of the EU and issued entry bans, which he called “sanctions.”

The head of German diplomacy, Heiko Maas, was quick to respond to try to ease tensions. Maas said he would not be surprised by the investigations, incriminating Russian secret agents, “confirming” German information and peacefully ruling out new sanctions against Moscow.

Causes and consequences

Navalny had become too popular and too dangerous for the Kremlin and the Mafia in command of the Russian state to remain alive. But both the dissident liquidation operation and the one carried out to cover up the traces of the crime failed monumentally, in a way rare in the history of the secret services and probably unique for a mafia and Kaghebista state, built on fear as well as on the effect and prestige of their weapons and servants. , the institutions of force, the army and the political police.

And it didn’t destroy any nuclear bombs. He was defeated by a phone, pens and mobile phones by journalists from Bellingcat and CNN, and especially by the chess intelligence of Navalny, a colleague and friend of former world champion Gary Kasparov. The cataclysmic political effects of the Kagheb wreck will gradually but inevitably materialize from now on. What responsible political leader can afford to shake the hand of an exposed murderer?

And how should the vengeful, newly unmasked vengeful backer of an assassination attempt, as well as other serial political crimes, react, as well as through new orgies of violence? New killings are likely to follow. And disappearances. In grave danger are not only the woefully unsuccessful killers, exposed by Navalny and Western investigative journalists. Few will mourn them.

However, all innocent people close and dear to the human target of Putin’s attempt to get rid of a political opponent are also seriously threatened. The first was arrested Monday night by Navalny’s assistant, Liubov Sobol.

Cruel and cold-blooded than all the leaders of the Russian opposition since the October Revolution, Navalny had been with one foot in the hole, if not both. Yet he found resources to rise from the dead, to confront the Tsar squarely and do so for the first time, but without the right to appeal: checkmate.

From such realities myths and presidents are born.

Petre M. Iancu – German wave
