Pump advertisement for those with apartment heating plants. What will happen in the winter


The Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment made the long-awaited announcement on the price of gas.

“The price in winter 2020 will be lower than in 2019, for sure,” Minister Virgil Popescu said.

The minister specified that Romgaz’s production increased 10%, after the management team was consolidated and the decision was made to open some wells.

As of July 1, the gas market was liberalized and the centralized market obligation was modified with a gas release program, which linked the price of gas in Romania with the price of the Vienna regional stock exchange, Baumgarten .

Virgil Popescu stated on Digi 24: “As we expected, the gas supply in Romania is higher than the demand and, obviously, we have a reduction in the price of gas, reaching below the price of the Vienna Stock Exchange, so the gas flow is also coming out of Romania, ”said Popescu, at Digi 24.

On the other hand, on Saturday, after a two-year hiatus, our country resumed gas exports on the Arad-Csanadpalota route (Hungary).

In July, Virgil Popescu explained that the price of gas paid by the population will drop after liberalization, after July 1 there will be no talk of an increase in gas prices.

“As of July 1, the price of gas will form freely and I think that for the first time we can no longer talk about the increase in the price of gas, but about how much the price of gas will fall. I am very optimistic and you will see that we are right. The price of gas, after liberalization, will be lower than the price currently paid by the population, a regulated price.

The truth is that extensive information is needed from the population, from domestic consumers – what they have to do, how they can change a provider very simply, regardless of whether or not they have signed a contract with the provider at this time. (…) There are better offers in the market than the offers of the two main suppliers, who own more than 90% of the market.

Household consumers should also know that one is gas distribution, that is, those who own gas distribution pipes, and the other is supply. (…) The distribution tariff has remained regulated throughout Europe, so it is not possible to walk there, ”said Virgil Popescu at the beginning of the government meeting.
