PSD: What was the government based on when it decided to relax on May 15? It must be done so as not to endanger people’s health.


“What was the Government based on when it decided to publish the so-called May 15? What were the epidemiological arguments that formed the basis of the decision? Epidemiologists are not sure of this date. Mr. Arafat tells us that the date is still it’s not safe. ” 15 th of May. Dr. Rafila tells us that the few coronavirus tests applied in the country are inconclusive, so epidemiology experts do not have clear data on the evolution of the pandemic, so what is the Government based on when it decides to relax measures from May 15? “Relaxation is not necessary, but it must be done so as not to jeopardize people’s health. Try, gentlemen, to discover the epidemiological situation in Romania and relax accordingly,” said Romaşcanu.

He also asked why the government is fleeing massive population testing, saying that all states that relax the restrictions have done a test to determine the virus transmission rate or sample tests.

“Orban says that rapid tests are not safe. Evidence with one hundred percent security has appeared. We see a stubbornness by the Government and the NLP to block and attack any attempt by the Capital City Council to carry out massive tests by voting. The government has an obligation to tell us in the next report why you escape from these massive or sample tests. Why do you hide the reality? Do you fear that such studies show that we have infected many more? Do you fear that the world will discover the truth? ” , Said the PSD spokesman.

It also asked the Government to specify on what legal basis the rights and freedoms of alert citizens will be limited.

“Messrs. Orban and Iohannis, they have already done as much nonsense as the People’s House by legislating fines that have been found unconstitutional. Now they have to return the money. Don’t come with even greater stupidity, you can only restrict civil rights by law. what the Constitution says, regulations cannot be made through decisions made on the basis of alertness, stop using pandemics to cover up stupidity, the risk of coronavirus cannot justify human rights violations, restrictions, fines, sanctions they are necessary, but it must be done either in accordance with the law and the Constitution, “Lucian Romaşcanu also broadcast.

He also asked the President and Prime Minister to say if they knew about the “abuses” by Suceava County Council President Gheorghe Flutur.

“We ask the Prime Minister and the President to specify if they knew about the Gheorghe Flutur abuses in Suceava before the scandal broke. If so, why did they not notify the authorities? Flutur, the chairman of the County Council of Suceava, was going to undergo a coronavirus test at 11 am “The interception was made by the secret services, it means that it reached both the president and the prime minister. So they knew that Mr. Orban and Mr. Iohannis that Mr. Flutur was abusing there, “added Romaşcanu.

Social Democrats want to know why Romania does not have an economic plan to get out of the crisis.

“Since the beginning of the state of emergency, the government has constantly told us that it will, correct it and prepare a plan of measures. It is scandalous because we see that the economy is sinking every day, 26 billion euros loss in the economy since the start of the pandemic Consumption has fallen by more than 30%, SME Invest, the famous government program has stagnated since day one No active measures have been taken to save jobs, we already have 300,000 people who and-lost his works, “also transmitted the PSD spokesman.

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