The parliamentarians of the budgetary and financial committees meeting of the Parliament voted, on Wednesday, the increase of pensions by 40%. 20 votes in favor. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis declared that “if everything they voted for were applied, it would cost more than 6% of GDP. Obviously this money does not exist.” “I have seen such convulsions in the time of Dragnea.”
“Today, in the budget commissions of the PSD, with the support of some trackers, the budget rectification voted with amendments and if everything they voted were applied, it would cost more than 6% of GDP. It is obvious that this money does not exist. The PSD he has not learned anything, he wants to detonate Romania’s public finances, we have seen such opportunities in the time of Dragnea, it is clear that PSD has not invented anything new and is resuming the same cycle of promises in the hope of winning votes, but not I think they will catch more.
Personally, I enthusiastically support any increase in pensions, salaries, bonuses. But we must take into account budget constraints. They will be possible when the budget allows it. Pensions have already increased 14% since September 1, it is real, money can be counted, “said Klaus Iohannis.
It was voted to repeal the article of the budget rectification law that provides for an increase of only 14% in pensions, instead of 40%. If the form adopted in the commissions also passes the vote in plenary, the pensions must be increased by 40%. The Liberals did not participate in the commission meeting, the only one who voted against the PSD amendments was USR deputy Claudiu Năsui.
Also read: Orban, nervous exit after the budget change in Parliament: They are crazy! They bankrupt Romania
Editor: Iulia Iancu