PSD, call to the presidents of the electoral colleges: ‘Do not give in to pressure and let the elderly or the chronically ill vote’ – News by sources


The first vice president of the PSD, Sorin Grindeanu, complains about the breach of an order from the Minister of Health that establishes that some categories of people can request priority access within the voting table. Grindeanu accuses the NLP candidate for mayor of the 3rd district of the Capital of “challenging” the voters who were waiting in line, entering the electoral college before them.

“Just as they failed to manage the pandemic, to reactivate the economy, which they also closed, with the opening of schools, they also mocked the organization of elections. It is inadmissible to throw away hundreds of millions in advertisements to tell people to come to the polls and then not offer them the conditions that you were talking about in the commercials, ”Sorin Grindeanu said Sunday afternoon.

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It affirms the existence of some incorrectly printed ballots and the failure to comply with the order given by the Minister of Health on priority access in polling stations for people over 65 years of age for people with chronic diseases or diabetes.

“I call on the presidents of the polling stations not to give in to pressure and let the elderly or the chronically ill vote,” added Grindeanu.

He harshly criticized the NLP candidate for Mayor of Sector 3, Adrián Moraru, who he says entered the electoral college before the voters who were waiting in line.

“You saw the NLP candidate in sector 3 a little earlier with the same attitude as a recount: the queue was not for him, but only for ordinary citizens, they have nothing to be ashamed of,” said Grindeanu.

According to a common order no. 1,594 / 140/2020 from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior, “people at high risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19 (for example, over 65 years old, people with diabetes or other chronic diseases, people with immunity deteriorated) can request priority access to the voting table. Access will be arranged by the presidents of the polling stations of the polling stations through organizational measures.
