Protests against the new restrictions imposed by the authorities. Hundreds of people took to the streets in Bucharest and other cities in the country.


UPDATE 04:25: In Timisoara, protesters marched in front of Mayor Dominic Fritz’s house and chanted “Resignation”.

UPDATE 04:10: Around 4 a.m., after reaching Victoriei Square, some of the protesters from Bucharest began to go home.

UPDATE 03:20: The Bucharest protesters returned to leave the University on Magheru Boulevard.

UPDATE 02.50: Editorial Marius Tucă: Historical moment in Romania

“On the night of March 28-29, and not on any night, Sunday night, the weather was impatient and thousands of people came out to demonstrate against the restrictions imposed by the Iohannis regime. A historic moment considering the endless mockery that the population has been subjected to since the beginning of the pandemic until today ”, writes Marius Tucă.

UPDATE 02.14: Spontaneous protest also in Pitesti. Hundreds of people gathered in the city center, unhappy with the restrictions imposed by the rulers.

UPDATE 02.05: The police closed the entrance to the government in Iancu de Hunedoara. Traffic in the area was diverted due to protests.

Several police forces are concentrated near the government, where thousands of people are protesting at the moment.

UPDATE 01:40 The Bucharest protesters marched towards Victoriei Square.

In Bucharest, in the University Square, several dozen people gathered to protest against the restrictions imposed by the authorities.

Participants in the spontaneous protest did not wear masks and chanted slogans against the government and restrictions.

Demonstrations against the restrictions are taking place in several cities across the country. Protesters yell at the mask, reducing the number of hours you can drive on the streets and closing restaurants.

In Arad, hundreds of people took to the streets on Sunday night and marched through the streets of the city, chanting messages against the restrictions and measures taken by the authorities.

Hundreds of people from Galaţi took to the streets on Sunday night to protest against the new traffic restrictions imposed by the government starting this weekend. People shouted “Freedom”, “Take to the streets” and blocked the traffic on Brăilei street.

In the neighboring city, Brăila, more than 100 people came out to protest. They chanted slogans like “Freedom”, “Resignation” or “Brăila, wake up.”

In addition, in Constanza, dozens of people participated in a spontaneous protest. They chanted messages against the government and the restrictions imposed. The protesters screamed. “Freedom”, “thieves” or “mask”, “open HoReCa”, “down Chiţac” and “down with the Government”.

In Timişoara, the city with the highest incidence of COVID-19 cases, several Timişoara residents took to the streets without wearing masks and chanted “Arafat, don’t forget, Timişoara is not yours.” The protest leaders told the participants that the fines they would receive were not legal.

According to the Bucharest Committee for Emergency Situations, the restrictions went into effect on Sunday, March 28 at midnight.

In localities that have the cumulative incidence rate of COVID-19 cases below the limit of 7.5 per thousand inhabitants, the movement of people outside the dwelling / home is prohibited during the time interval:

22.00 – 5.00 from Monday to Thursday;

20.00 – 05.00 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Bucharest residents are required to present the service card / certificate issued by the employer or a statement at their own risk.

For the verification of trips of personal interest, the declaration of own responsibility, previously completed, is presented. To travel to the vaccination center, individuals must provide proof of appointment.

The applicability of the measure ceases when the cumulative incidence rate in a period of 14 days falls below 3.5 / 1,000 inhabitants.

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