PROTEST: “NO BOTTLE and CAGES in schools!” Key question for dating parents


A huge protest is being prepared in the University Square.

Some parents announce that they will go out on Saturday, September 19, because they do not want their children to learn “in cages and with muzzles.” Where did the communicators go wrong in the situation where parents practically asked for the virus to walk freely from one student to another? Simple: it has been said too often and too much that we have nothing to worry about, “children are not affected by Covid. Asymptomatic children do not transmit Covid. But really it’s not so. There are also children infected with the coronavirus around the world. Some have died in other countries.

Well … we already have the first child with COVID-19 admitted to Intensive Care. And this in the conditions in which the child did not get sick at school, this in the conditions in which the schools were closed when the little one was infected.

The 8-year-old boy from Buzau had a fever and headache over the weekend, and doctors in the province thought he had meningoencephalitis and decided to transfer him to the Capital. Initially, the boy’s parents were diagnosed with COVID-19, but their test was negative. In Bucharest, the boy was tested again for Covid, and this time the PCR test came back positive. The boy is hospitalized in intensive care, but his condition is stable. He is not intubated or mechanically ventilated, but the disease has severely affected his lungs.

If even after the above lines, some parents yell: “by the muzzle”, then think about them. If you have their children, do they bring the coronavirus to your home? What happens if a mother gets sick with Covid-19? What if your beloved grandmother gets sick? Okay, kids probably don’t get much, but what do we have with our loved ones at home?

Until then, I haven’t seen children say that they don’t want to wear masks or wash their hands. Even another, children know how to keep their physical distance in the schoolyard or at school, instead, you have seen enough parents standing at the school gates waiting for their little ones. Children know how to obey the rules better than their parents, who complain about having to wear a poor mask.

But I understand parents who want to go out and protest. Why are many of them not following the rules to minimize the risk of coronavirus infection?

The answer is mainly because people do not believe that there is any danger. When transmitting data on deaths infected by coronavirus, the authorities report age and comorbidities.

Of course, what you didn’t see, what you didn’t hear, and what you didn’t understand doesn’t scare you. How many people know what the following death toll information means: CHF, DM, mitral regurgitation, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, cachexia, BRC st.III, coronary atherosclerosis? We found these and other similar terms in the balance of deaths in the elderly.

That is why people between the ages of 20 and 50 are not afraid of Covid-19. They believe it does not affect them because they do not have comorbidities. But forget that they can have diseases without knowing it, such as hypertension. And this appears in the report of the Strategic Communication Group, but at least the term is understood by everyone.

As for children who can become infected with coronavirus … what happens ?! We already have the first case of Intensive Care. Watch out! And the schools had not yet opened … Let’s leave them without masks … it seems too brave an act on the part of some parents who claim to love their parents. So, dear parents, how much do you love your children?

This article is an opinion.
