Project: freezing of salaries of public employees, vacation vouchers of 1,450 lei, drastic penalties for large companies that did not connect the cash registers, fine also 145 lei – Finance & Banking


The salaries of public servants, as well as the level of bonuses, will be frozen at this year’s level, according to a project published on the website of the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP). It also provides for the continued granting of vacation vouchers worth 1,450 lei, as well as drastic penalties for large companies that have not connected the cash registers.

Fiscal and budgetary measures project 2021

The project also provides:

  • Suspension of the application of special pensions for mayors until January 1, 2022
  • The fine point will remain at 145 lei
  • An article of the law on the remuneration of public servants, which provides for a vacation allowance equivalent to the gross basic salary, will also be postponed. The new deadline: January 1, 2022.
  • For outstanding achievements and for rewarding notable activity in the fields of culture, science and sport, there is a merit allowance equivalent to 3 gross minimum wages per country and is not taxable. The above project says that in 2021, the monthly amount of the merit allowance remains at the level of 6,240 lei.
  • Regarding the minimum inclusion income (the Law that provided for a social assistance benefit granted to families and singles in difficulty, in order to prevent and combat poverty and the risk of social exclusion), will enter into force on 1 April 2022.
  • Starting next year, starting from the salary rights for January 2021, teachers in the medical-pharmaceutical field in universities must receive a monthly allowance equivalent to 50% of the base salary of the position of doctor, dentist or pharmacist, corresponding to antiquity. at work and the professional title obtained. Well, this will apply from 2022, according to the aforementioned project.
  • The service pensions of many categories of public servants, from parliamentarians to state military, will not be updated with the inflation rate in 2021.
  • Vacation vouchers for public servants, worth 1,450 lei, will be issued only in electronic format.
  • Deliveries of medical devices for the in vitro diagnosis of COVID-19, vaccines against COVID-19, as well as related vaccination and testing services, other than those exempt from VAT according to art. 292 of Law no. 227/2015 of the Tax Code, with subsequent modifications and completions, carried out until December 31, 2022.

The news is updated
