Professional television star, on COMA. In LOVIT, a car in the crosswalk. He was transferred to Brasov


A Pro TV star struggles between life and death, after being hit by a car while crossing.

Lulu Pascu, a former contestant with talented Romanians, has serious health problems and is struggling between life and death, being in a coma.

Lulu Pascu participated in two editions of the Pro TV program and received four “YES” each time. He first appeared on the stage “Romanians have talent” together with Titu Vânătoru, singing teacher in Nehoiu and they performed “Our roads all”, and in the end they received four “YES”. In the second appearance, in the same formula, the two sang “Besa tu mano mujer”. And this time they were crowned with four “YES”.

According to the local newspaper Buzoienii, the Nehoiu artist was hit by a car while crossing, near a crosswalk. The witnesses to the accident were the ones who alerted the intervention teams, and Lulu Pascu immediately arrived at the hospital.

Lulu Pascu, transferred to Brașov

“This afternoon, around 6:00 p.m., on 1 Decembrie 1918 street, in the city of Nehoiu, a traffic accident occurred that resulted in the injury of a person. Lunca Mare, a 49-year-old driver from Nehoiu, caught and injured a pedestrian who was moving on the road, in the same direction. Nehoiu, who was taken by ambulance and taken to the hospital for medical attention. A criminal file was drawn up in the case. And the police continue with the investigations ” , transmitted the press office of the LEI Buzau.
