Prof. Dr. Serban Bubenek: People died in ATI without receiving treatment. Remdesivir – News by source


“From our statistics it appears that in ATI departments there are a large number of patients who have died or recovered without receiving any antiviral treatment, not even the one that is mandatory by ministerial order. I want to know if Mr. Dr. Marinescu knows how to distribute those 30 million euros that the Balş Institute received to buy antiviral drugs and distribute them to other hospitals in Romania ”, Prof. Dr. Șerban Bubenek opened the topic.

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Infectious disease doctor in “Matei Balș”, Dr. Adrian Marinescu admitted that he was not aware of this situation and could not offer any explanation. However, he specified that there were times when doctors improvised treatment schemes, in the absence of approved drugs.

“You know that things have changed in recent months, not only in Romania, all over the world. It started with HIV therapy, which was antiviral, it was hydroxychloroquine, which I used in all patients, from my point of view not there is evidence that it is black sheep. I used remdesivir as hot cakes. These days I finished it and we are waiting for another one to come, I used everything I had. I also had Antidol, which came from Moldova, I also used it. It was not approved in Romania , but it was a short period in which I had no other option, and this was the only one ”, explained the infectious diseases doctor, MedikaTV reports.

Prof. Dr. Serban Bubenek insisted on finding out whether the “Matei Balş” Institute continued to fulfill its function, given that, he said, “Balș” was also reported situations related to the lack of treatment.

“But do you know that patients who had not received any antiviral drugs and were in intensive care have died? And the Balş Institute had the obligation to send these drugs and sums of money for their purchase. In hospitals in Bucharest where nobody knows transparently how to administer Remdesivir, how many vials came, how many were consumed, where patients receive one day and the next day they are told that it is over. This is not yesterday when he finished with you, it is 10 days ago at Babe Ba Hospital and even We have data and complaints from patients who received Remdesivir for one day, after which they were told that it no longer exists, and some none went very well. Patients have the right to receive treatment. There are patients who were not treated in intensive care , because they did not have medicines, although the Ministry of Health gave them 30 million euros, which we do not know how they spent ”, said Serban Bubenek.
