Procedures for COVID patients are changing. Important provisions in the case of asymptomatic patients


New rules come into force for the hospitalization and circuit of patients suspected of COVID or confirmed with this disease. According to a document published Wednesday night in the Official Gazette, the procedures by which hospitals take care of COVID patients are changing and there are important details about asymptomatic patients. If they live in isolation at home, their cure will be declared by the family doctor and their new test will no longer be necessary after 14 days.

It is a new Order of the Ministry of Health regarding the application by the Public Health Directorates, by the INSP, hospitals, ambulance services and family doctors of the measures in the situation of epidemiological risk generated by COVID-19.

So there are clearer rules for DSPs, who are told what to do when they don’t have enough medical staff; They must request to be seconded, but the most important thing is that it is described in this order. Path of the positive COVID patient.

What a patient with COVID symptoms should do

A patient careful they are simple of acute respiratory infection, stays home first, call 112 and the family doctor, then wait ambulance, who will transfer you to a medical unit for an examination of symptoms. If you already have severe symptoms, in the meantime you are hospitalized, treated, and examined.

If you have the usual symptoms, samples are taken for analysis, after which the result will be sent to the DSP and the DSP will report the patient’s result.

steps to follow in case of suspicion of sars-cov-2 disease provided by order of the Ministry of Health

Another important aspect: patients who have symptoms of COVID, which doctors can see on a CT scan or after an X-ray, even if COVID test is negative, will be treated as patients with COVID, so they are infected and the test will be repeated after 48 hours.

What happens if the COVID test is positive?

Confirmed COVID-19 patients are then referred by DSPs, also via ambulance services, for evaluation in hospitals. Their transport is prioritized according to the severity of the patient.

Asymptomatic patients, but without biological changes they can be isolated in the hospital or at home, as decided by the doctor, and the asymptomatic patient with risk factors or mild forms can be isolated in phase 1 or 2 hospitals or at home, the decision is also of the doctor.

Medium and severe forms They will be hospitalized in hospitals that have intensive care and the length of stay is determined by the doctor.

How to Resolve Medical Emergencies in COVID Patients

A novelty is that medical-surgical emergencies in emergency units or non-COVID hospitals that test positive during hospitalization will be transferred to support hospitals, but only after the emergency, will the surgical problem and the health of the patient be solved. patient is stable.

If the medical-surgical emergencies of COVID patients in phase 1 and 2 hospitals cannot be operated on there, the patients will be transferred to support hospitals, with the necessary isolation measures and with prior notice from the hospital. Basically, if a COVID patient needs an operation and is hospitalized in an infectious disease hospital where the operation cannot be performed, then they will be transferred to another hospital where the operation can be performed.

Asymptomatic cure, determined by family doctors. They will not take the test again after 14 days of isolation.

The Minister’s Order also spells out admission and discharge criteria for COVID patients. Asymptomatic patients, that do not present biological alterations can be isolated in the hospital or at home, according to the doctor’s decision, and your cure will be determined by the family doctor.

If they are isolated at home, they will remain isolated for 14 days, and the family doctor will have to monitor their health by phone, daily and if he finds that in the 14 days there are no symptoms of illness, then the family doctor will do so. making a medical letter to DSP and thus, this patient is declared cured and all this data will be entered in the official platform, and will appear in the statistics of the cured.

In the case of these asymptomatic, It will no longer be necessary to take the test again after 14 days of isolation and they will be able to resume their activity., you can go to work, but as long as another ten days, after isolation, you stay away from colleagues, for example, and wear a mask.

Hygiene rules for isolated and quarantined patients

Hygiene rules for people in quarantine and isolation are also specified in detail for the first time. These people are also told how to wash their hands, to wipe with a paper towel if they have, if not, with a towel to wash immediately.

Bathrooms and toilets should be disinfected at least once a day with chlorine-based substances.

Clothes or bedding or bath towels should be washed at a temperature of 60 to 90 degrees.

Editor: Luana Păvălucă
