Prison for hateful actions against gypsies. Parliament approves the project to combat anti-Gypsyism


An invoice that provides imprisonment for hate speech against Roma It was adopted today by the Chamber of Deputies, which is the decision-making body.

The project looking the fight against anti-Gypsyism was tacitly adopted by Senat in December 2019.

According to the project, “anti-Gypsyism” means both the perception of the Roma expressed as hatred against them, as well as the verbal or physical manifestations motivated by hatred against the Roma, directed against the Roma or their properties, against institutions / NGOs, community leaders Roma. or its places of worship, traditions and the Roman language, according to Agerpres.

Initiated by parliamentarians of national minorities, PSD, UDMR, USR, ALDE, PMP, the normative act provides penalties ranging from 3 months to 10 years for those who promote, in public, anti-Gypsy ideas, concepts or doctrines, for their distribution or supply. the public of materials of the same category or the beginning or establishment of an anti-gypsy organization, adhering or supporting, in any way, such group.

It does not constitute a crime if the act is committed in the interest of art or science, research or education or with the purpose of debating aspects of public interest, the project establishes.

At the same time, the people who committed the aforementioned events are not punished if they report the existence of the organization to the authorities, before it has been discovered and has begun to commit any of the crimes that correspond to the purpose of the group.

An anti-Roma organization is any group of three or more people who work temporarily or permanently to promote anti-Roma ideas, concepts or doctrines.

Anti-Gypsy symbols are understood as: flags, emblems, insignia, uniforms, slogans, greeting formulas, as well as any other sign that transmits ideas, concepts or doctrines that promote anti-Gypsyism.

By anti-Gypsy materials we mean: images, text messages, audio and video content, as well as any other similar representation, that transmits ideas, concepts or doctrines that promote anti-Gypsyism.

The law is organic and the Chamber of Deputies is the decision-making body.

Publisher: MB
