Prince Paul is missing. Family members say they would be willing to seek political asylum in a European country


Prince Paul has disappeared without a trace and despite being persecuted internationally, he has not yet been located.

His relatives believe that King Charles II’s nephew will do anything to prevent him from going to jail, including being willing to seek political asylum in a European country.

Almost two weeks after the final decision of the Supreme Court, for which he was sentenced to three years and four months in prison with execution, Prince Paul of Romania is missing. He was persecuted internationally, but has not been located to this day. King Carol II’s nephew was no longer in Portugal, where he had left for a trial before judges convicted him of illegal business with the former Royal Banana Farm and the Fundul Sacului Forest in Snagov.

Florin Ghiulbenghian, friend of the family: “He went to Portugal, where he opened a succession process. Lia spoke with him on the day of the decision, but he has not spoken again.”

Reporter: “Will he come back to surrender?”

Family’s friend: “No way.”

At their home in Bucharest, Princess Lia and her son were left alone. He says he knows nothing about where Prince Paul would be hiding or what his plans are for the future. However, his relatives say he is ready to seek political asylum in a European country, perhaps even Luxembourg or Liechtenstein, the monarchs that would have officially recognized Paul’s membership in the Royal Household.

While Prince Paul has obtained refugee status and has been persecuted internationally, his wife, Princess Lia, and their son, Carol Ferdinand, are forced to leave the impressive villa in Sector 2 of the capital, where they have lived. for many years. According to sources close to the family, after the conviction he would no longer have money to pay the fees in the bank.

If found and extradited to Romania, Prince Paul will not serve the full sentence of three years and four months. Because he is 72 years old, he can be released after serving only a third of his detention. In the meantime, however, he will sue Romania at the ECHR, claiming that he was wrongly convicted.

And Prince Paul is not the only convict in the Băneasa Farm case under international investigation. Israeli businessmen Tal Silberstein and Benny Steinmetz are also on the Europeans Most Wanted list, after receiving five years in prison each. In their case, the Jerusalem Court can decide after a long procedure, which takes many years, whether or not they can be extradited to Romania to serve their sentence, just as the two convicts can choose to imprison them in their country of origin. .
