Priest who recommends gargoyles to gargle with salt water, brandy, agheasma, and methyl blue to avoid COVID-19 infection, tested positive


The priest Calistrat Chifan, who is followed on Facebook by more than 750,000 people, has a personal blog and has an active presence in the media and social networks, the story, a month and a half ago, that he teaches his parishioners, some of them nonagenarians, to defend against the virus with brandy, gargle with water and salt and methyl blue.

“I would say something simple about the virus now, which is a naive situation, at first glance. We protect ourselves with the mask, but if it is of the order of nanometers it is not even visible to the naked eye, it is a tiny particle that circulates through the breath, you spread it, but the question is if the eye is wet, it could not stick to the eyes, why is it still a wetland? If it comes into contact with the ear, which responds with the nose, the otolaryngologist still cannot get in? When you come across the virus or have your business card, you find it. So if it is not to meet, it is not to meet. I am cautious, but I have a different opinion, I have a different view on this issue. I have seen a lot of people go into a crazy panic over this vrius problem so they have actually gone hysterical to use a simple word. (…) I taught all my grandparents, the older ones – and I’m older, I’m 92 years old, 93 years old – they come to the anointed every Wednesday and say: «Don’t be, did you meet with COVID? »” No, I did what you told me! ” And what did I tell them? Some very simple hygiene measures: every morning, at noon and at night gargle with warm water and salt to clean the mouth area because salt is the best old disinfectant from the country and the earth, then in the morning when you wake up with a mouthful of brandy after having taken agheazma and anaphora, because alcohol is the best disinfectant, then there is this treatment, which nobody cares about, it is a very simple pill with methyl blue that is also a more economical disinfectant ” declared the priest in the second half of July, at the show.

At that time, the priest said that he had taken a test on July 7, because he went to Corfu – Greece and had to take the test, which came out negative.

A few hours ago, the priest announced on Facebook that he was infected with SARS-CoV-2.

“I will remind you that a dry, forced and uncontrolled cough has taken over my respiratory system, which is why I made the decision to go to the hospital voluntarily. With no specific symptoms of the Covid 19 virus, the test confirmed the test was positive on Monday. The diagnosis is under the control of the specialist, professor doctor at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases-Iasi, I am fine, I am in treatment with antibiotics, I am in the hospital reserve, in monitoring and rest, there is absolutely no conspiracy, everything is what as normal as possible. In a few days I will be in the cell, after the decision of the specialist with the treatment carried out according to hospitalization protocol. Probably, it seems a bit difficult the fact that for 10 or 12 days I will have to rest and get away from the believers, but these are the hygienic-sanitary rules, ”the priest told his followers.

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